오픈마켓과 판매기업의 브랜드자산이 중국 소비자의 구매의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

B2C open market has developed rapidly every year in China, which has played a more and more significant role as an intermediary between selling corporations and consumers. There are two brand equities in an open market: B2C open market website corpora...

B2C open market has developed rapidly every year in China, which has played a more and more significant role as an intermediary between selling corporations and consumers. There are two brand equities in an open market: B2C open market website corporations brand equity and selling brand equity corporations. Thus, it is necessary to study the relationship between brand equity along with consumers’ purchasing intentions of selling corporations and the B2C open market. Through empirical analysis, the study tries to analyze the following issues: “What kind of brand equity factors do open market corporations and selling corporations have in the B2C open market?”, “How will the brand equity influence the purchasing intentions of China’s consumers?”, “What kind of links does the relationship benefit have with consumer reliability, consumer loyalty and purchasing intentions?”
Through careful and deep literature reviews, we establish a research model. We assembled 341 questionnaires from consumers who have purchasing experience in China’s open market. We analyzed 222 valid questionnaires with SPSS16 and AMOS17. The findings are as follows:
Brand awareness and brand image have a significant influence on the customers’ loyalty and the customers’ reliability for open market brand equity; brand awareness and the perceived quality have a significant effect upon the customers’ loyalty and the customers’ reliability for the brand equity of selling corporations.
The perceived quality of selling corporations exert a significant effect upon the customers’ reliability for the brand equity of open market corporations and selling corporations, such as the brand awareness of the open market, open market image, brand awareness of selling corporations, the perceived quality of selling corporations. Thus, selling corporations should improve self-brand service and quality in order to improve customers’ reliability.
Brand equity of both open market and selling corporations has a greater impact upon customers’ loyalty. Thus, open market and selling corporations should pay more attention to the management of the self-brand.
Similar to the previous study, this certifies that the relationships between customers’ reliability and customers’ loyalty, customers’ reliability and customers’ purchasing intentions, customers’ loyalty and customers’ purchasing intention again.
This has certified that customers’ reliability and customers’ loyalty have a media effect upon the brand asset and customers purchasing intention. It has been certified that the customers’ loyalty have a complete media effect upon brand awareness and the purchasing intentions of selling corporations especially. With the improvement of the customers’ reliability and customers’ loyalty, the customers’ purchasing intentions will increase.
Relationship benefit exerts an adjusting effect upon customers’ reliability and the customers’ purchasing intentions. The amount of marketing will increase in the case of if more relationship benefit will be provided.
