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외국인 근로자 교육 프로그램의 프로그램 이론평가 : 논리 모형(Logic Model)을 적용하여 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

This study focuses on evaluating program theory of foreign labor's education program in Ansan City. First, foreign labor's education program will be developed using logic model framework, and such framework will be used to analyze each components in t...

This study focuses on evaluating program theory of foreign labor's education program in Ansan City. First, foreign labor's education program will be developed using logic model framework, and such framework will be used to analyze each components in the program theory to see if they are logically developed. Then, the study seeks to examine and link the causal relationship from the program's 4 components: input, process, output, and outcome. The meanings of this study: first, comes from the fact that the study tried program's theory evaluation through applying the logic model. Most of the policy evaluation researches lean on outcome evaluation or effectiveness evaluation methods, but this study uses program's theory evaluation method to examine the operation of the program through analyzing each component of the existing programs through black box. Second, the study provided an opportunity to diagnose the future directions of the foreign workers’ education programs and availability of the current programs for the foreign labors. Specifically, it will provide the blueprint and guidance for the program theory for other local governments' community centers to provide education programs to foreign workers. Third, the study, by stating the general analysis and problems associated with the existing education program for the foreign workers, re-visits and highlights the problems that the current society have regarding the multi-cultural society issue.
This study is structured to evaluate Ansan City's highly active education programs for foreign labors, and to provide a future direction according to the analysis. The study focuses specifically on education programs for foreign labors that are in Ansan city's community centers for foreigners. The time frame for this study is from September 1st 2013 to December 23rd 2013. The programs' contents are focused specifically to Korean class, job skill development class, and computer education class among many other classes. In order to accomplish the study's goal (purpose), reference research and research study were used as the main methodologies. Using the reference research method, this study looked at the contents and results of the existing thesis s, articles in journals, publications, media presses, and various internet sources from both in Korea and out of Korea. Using the research study method, the study created logic model for the education program's theory through surveys created from reviewing existing publications and references. Then, using the model, the study evaluated each component of the education programs for the foreign labors through the interview contents. Surveys and interviews were limited to 70 foreign workers who participated in the education program classes, administrators, and instructors from the programs.
The study's result can be divided into two components: one from analyzing each component of the education program in Ansan city, and the other one from evaluating the education program itself. First, analysis on each component through logic model determined that input component of financial/human/material resources, process component of recruiting the applicants and providing education activities, and output component of foreign workers earning professional certificate have been components of the programs that have worked well. However, the outcome component of the programs to find employments for foreign labors didn't work as well, and this further required that links between each component be evaluated. Evaluations on the education programs for the foreign workers in Ansan City provided three conclusions. First, the classes were well structured in terms of relation assessments for the social needs, but the needs that are unique to each class was not well reflected. Second, potential evaluation through program logic evaluated on three criteria: feasibility of the program’s desired goals, defining and clarifying the procedures, and clarifying the terms associated with the programs. Evaluation through logic program showed that while feasibility of the program’s desired goals was at a high level, defining and clarifying the procedures were at a mid-level, and clarifying the terms was at a low level. Finally, while logical relation assessments between each program components showed that the links between situation and input, input and process, and process and output were logical, the link between output and shot-term outcome, short-term outcome and long-term outcome lacked clear relations between each component. In conclusion, through analyzing the components of programs using program logic model, it was determined that while the education programs for foreign workers in Ansan City provided high quality education activities to help the workers earn their desired licenses and certificates, it failed to achieve the ultimate outcome or goal of findingemploymentfortheforeignworkers.Therefore,re-constructionoftheeducationprogramsfortheforeignlaborsisrequiredtobetteraddresstheoutcome.
