English classes for elementary school students provide opportunities for them develope communication skills that are needed for citizens of the globalized world. Accordingly, it is natural that elementary school English classes give students focus com...
English classes for elementary school students provide opportunities for them develope communication skills that are needed for citizens of the globalized world. Accordingly, it is natural that elementary school English classes give students focus communication activities. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of the task-based storytelling on elementary school students' speaking proficiency and affective variables. In addition, a task-based storytelling learning model for elementary schools was designed as part of this research. The task-based storytelling learning model has three or four steps. First, the teacher and students do a storytalking activity using a story. The story is changed or recreated by the teacher or students. Then, students perform the task activities and their outcome. The teacher may give students any affective feedback in the third class session, which is the last cycle of the lesson. Lastly, students may be given one more chance to do the same or similar task to complete the whole lesson.
The task-based storytelling learning model was applied to the 5th graders of elementary school. Three groups of students were chosen according to their English learning levels by the researcher to analyze the effects of the task-based storytelling learning. The analyses of results showed that students’ communication ability was improved across all groups of learners and that the task-based storytelling learning model helped increase students’ interest in learning English, their confidence, their sense of cooperation and their relationships among friends. The task-based storytelling learning model also reduced their presentation anxiety.
Based on the results of the study, the following implications were made. First, elementary school English teachers may use storytalking activities, part of the task-based storytelling learning model to improve students’ communication skills and reduce students’ anxiety about presentations in English. Second, when English teachers want to use storytelling activities in their English classes, they may push themselves and learners to change or recreate stories. Simply pushing to alter stories has the potential to improve the students’ concentration, interest and participation. Third, elementary school English teachers may facilitate one or two tasks at a class session, with different topics or themes and give students ample time to practice the tasks. Fourth, more studies are needed that investigate the relationship between English proficiency and the frequency of L1 use, that is, Korean, while students are engaged in a task. Although the use of Korean may prove effective for giving students directions in a task, too much use of Korean in English classes may deprive learners of chances to produce output in English. Lastly, some training on how to modify a text based on traditional teaching methods to a communicative task would bring much change in ways that elementary school teachers provide English instructions for their students.
,韩语毕业论文,韩语论文题目 |