스마트폰을 활용한 한국어 쓰기 능력 향상 방안 : 카카오 톡을 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

My intention to study this research about using KAKAO talk on smartphones is to find the ways to help foreign learners who have a difficulty in learning Korean due to reasons such as child care, housework, a lack of time and long distance. So, in this...

My intention to study this research about using KAKAO talk on smartphones is to find the ways to help foreign learners who have a difficulty in learning Korean due to reasons such as child care, housework, a lack of time and long distance. So, in this study, I surveyed students' opinions about writing of Korean and frequency of using a smartphone. Among these people, only ten
people are examined in teaching writing Korean using a smartphone. Based on this result, I suggest using the smartphones for filling up the shortage of time to study for foreign learners.
Here is a table of contents.
In chapter 1, I show the purpose of this study and needs as well as I review the previous researches. First, I looked over the researches about writing Korean education for married immigrant women. Next I review research on the Korean education with media utilization.
In chapter 2, I present the needs and steps of Korean writing and I identify the concept of mobile media and the function and traits of smartphones. Especially, I focus on the traits of application of KAKAO talk in this study.
In chapter 3, I examined the condition of writing education of Korean for married immigrant women. This procedure is the step of education, learning time and the contents of education. After this, I realize comparing amount of quantity of content, studying time is so insufficient. For complement of this shortage, I survey the learners' opinions about writing Korean language and using text-messages of smartphones. Among them, I select 10 people to conduct the experiment about writing education using smartphone. After I pick up the subjects for testing, I analyze errors in sentence and revise and check the result of outcomes during the process of teaching and learning.
In chapter 4, based on this result, I announce educational effects on taking advantage of smartphones and way to rev up writing education, advantages and disadvantages add to improvement.
As a consolidation, this project is well rounded with constraints and advices for hereafter research.
