통역습득에 따른 어휘변화 : 어휘 균형성과 안정성에 대한 경험연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

This examines bilingual candidates to understand the development in interpreting competence throughout the acquisition of interpreting competence. In order to study the development in interpreting abilities with the acquisition of interpreting c...

This examines bilingual candidates to understand the development in interpreting competence throughout the acquisition of interpreting competence. In order to study the development in interpreting abilities with the acquisition of interpreting competence through experiment, it is important to improve the weaknesses of interpreting procedures in general. For this reason, ‘lexicon’ was selected as the experimental quantitative value to achieve objective research and result analysis. That is, ‘lexicon’ was selected as the experimental value that represents interpreting abilities and therefore the ‘lexical development’ was examined through the study. Theories were organized in regards to the ‘lexicon’ and based on these conclusions new ideas were applied to the presented experiment. The new ideas introduced into the experiment include ‘lexical balance’ and ‘lexical stability.’ Within the concept of ‘lexical balance’, this assumed the hypothesis that ‘as the bilingual candidate becomes trained in interpreting competence, the number of L1 (native language) and L2 (second language) vocabularies increased and there was improved balance between the two language systems.' Similarly, within the concept of ‘lexical stability,’ this assumed the hypothesis that 'the lexicon within L1 and L2 achieves stability that allows conversation between the two languages.’ Both of these hypotheses were then applied to the experiment, where the latter hypothesis was applied with the intent of it supporting the concept of lexical balance.

The 16 experiment subjects were all college educated and spoke Korean as their national languages. There was also a narrator whose mother tongue was also Korean guiding the process of the experiment. The participants all started with a preliminary survey that consisted of a written test that asked for association words as well as an oral test that asked for language transitions. The MSR video program was used for the written test that is answered with written words and for the oral portion, the VR was used to record the immediate responses for the questions.

Through the experiment, the study was able to find that ‘lexical balance’ and ‘lexical stability’are indeed influenced by ‘the extent of interpreting acquisition.’ Furthermore, the study revealed that ‘real interpreting experience’ influenced ‘lexical balance’ and ‘lexical stability’ even more than ‘the extent of interpreting acquisition.’ Finally, among the bilingual participants of the experiment it was seen that those with earlier bilingual education(EB) showed higher degrees of ‘lexical balance’ and ‘lexical stability.’

Although this study was able to come to interesting conclusions in regards to the topics under examination, there were difficulties in regards to conceptual definitions and index selection when planning the experiment. Also, it was challenging to gather experiment candidates that met all the stated conditions. Future studies will therefore continue after these weaknesses and difficulties are more appropriately dealt with.
