한국어 방문교육의 요구분석 및 방안 : 시흥시 결혼 이민자를 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

With the rapid increase of foreigners living in South Korean society, it is time to pursue and make preparations for full-scale changes according to the shift to multicultural society the South Korean society has not experienced. Those who get a stay ...

With the rapid increase of foreigners living in South Korean society, it is time to pursue and make preparations for full-scale changes according to the shift to multicultural society the South Korean society has not experienced. Those who get a stay permit in South Korean society through marriage including marriage immigrants and those who are naturalized through marriage should be treated specially in a little bit different area. Systematic preparations are in demand in that they raise a family, the basis of South Korean society, and influence all the family members.
"Multicultural Family Support Project" as part of those preparations offers a comprehensive set of services including Korean education, family and children's education, counseling, translation and interpretation, reinforcement of information provision capacity and provides assistance for early adaptation to South Korean society and social and economic independence to help multicultural families settle down in a stable fashion and support their family lives.
Systematic support for Korean education is essential for female marriage immigrants who are to provide education to children as parents. "Visiting Korean Education Service"(home visit Korean education for marriage immigrants" was created to provide marriage immigrants with various environmental limitations(language, culture, pregnancy, childbirth, and household labor) with an opportunity to receive good Korean education. The service was in operation around 201 "Multicultural Family Support Centers" across the nation in January, 2012. The reality with the service, however, is that the home visit education teachers have limitations with their teaching methods and need to pay more attention to the culture, childcare, childbirth, and counseling of the learners than Korean knowledge even though they are professional teachers who received professional education.
This study conducted a survey on the needs of marriage immigrants, who received or were receiving "visit home education for multicultural families(Visiting Korean Education Service)" visiting teachers, who taught them Korean language, and content of visiting education in Siheung-si. The first survey identified a high demand for hobbies and jobs as a follow-up program. The investigator took the second survey by taking into account the local characteristics and the characteristics of marriage immigrants and proposed improvement measures.
The research was organized as follows:
Chapter 1 covered the objectives of and need for the study and provided an overview of previous studies related to home visit Korean education.
Chapter 2 examined the theoretical backgrounds related to the study and identified the elements affecting the language acquisition of marriage immigrants and the influences of their attitudes toward the culture of the target language on their acquisition of Korean language. In addition, the roles of a mentor were examined to figure out what kind of efforts teachers made to become an exemplary model.
Chapter 3 analyzed the needs of marriage immigrants that received home visit Korean education and visiting teachers. Survey, face-to-face, and phone interview were used to figure out the exact needs for home visit Korean education and its improvement measures.
Chapter 4 proposed a lesson organization plan by focusing on the principles and teaching plans of Korean education that highlighted the 1:1 learning-based advantages of home visit Korean education for effective operational plans for home visit Korean education based on the analysis results of needs of marriage immigrants. The investigator also addressed the areas where the needs of marriage immigrants were surveyed in Korean life and presented a survey on their needs.
Finally, Chapter 5 summarized and sorted out the research content so far and made a couple of suggestions for education and support for marriage immigrants.
