한국어 분류사 교육 방법 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

It is generally known that classifier systems in Korean are very complex and are used frequently in daily lives in Korean. So it is necessary to teach classifiers in Korean education for foreigners. In this regard, this dissertation aims to suggest ef...

It is generally known that classifier systems in Korean are very complex and are used frequently in daily lives in Korean. So it is necessary to teach classifiers in Korean education for foreigners. In this regard, this dissertation aims to suggest effective and comprehensive principles and teaching methods of Korean classifiers for Chinese learners. To gain this goal, first of all, this study was conducted a survey of Chinese learners.
This dissertation consists of as follows. In chapter I, I examined previous studies, methodologies, and objectives of this study. In chapter II, I surveyed general phenomena of Korean classifiers, the construction of classifier phrases, and the function and classification of classifiers based on Korean linguistics, etcs. In chapter III, current situation of Korean classifier education and curriculum were discussed. In doing so, I analyzed 6 Korean textbooks used in Korean universities and TOPIK problem sets. Next I examined error analysis of classifiers for Chinese beginners. In chapter IV, based on chapter II and III, I proposed some comprehensive principles and methods of Korean classifiers for Chinese beginners. First of all, I suggested two types of education principles such as form-focused education and meaning-focused education for Korean classifiers for Chinese learners. Next, I provided an integrated curriculum model for classifier education. Furthermore, two teaching methods, i.e., form-focused and meaning-focused, were suggested. As for a form-focused method, a method based on word order of classifier phrases and a method based on chunk through collocation networks were suggested. As for a meaning-focused method, methods based on categorization, same sino-Korean and Chinese characters, and etymology were suggested.
Viewed from the present research, this study left much to be desired. One of them is that there are too many kinds of Korean classifiers to deal with in this study. The other one is that this study is basically relied on handwork system, so some important classifiers can be omitted in this study.
Even though there are some difficulties, this study provides principled, comprehensive and effective methods of Korean classifiers for Chinese learners. And also this study will become a crucial guider for Korean classifiers based on contrastive linguistics between Korean and Chinese.
