한국어 교육용 의성어ㆍ의태어의 목록 선정과 교육 내용 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

This study aims to select onomatopoeic and mimetic words for Korean Language education, to arrange them in a phased manner according to the characteristics of onomatopoeic and mimetic words and to produce its educational contents. This study begins ...

This study aims to select onomatopoeic and mimetic words for Korean Language education, to arrange them in a phased manner according to the characteristics of onomatopoeic and mimetic words and to produce its educational contents.
This study begins with the definition of the concept of onomatopoeic and mimetic words and looking into its categories and confirming the needs for the education of onomatopoeic and mimetic words after examining its unique characteristics when compared with general words.
Onomatopoeic and mimetic words for Korean language education should be considered in three aspects; that of its usage in the Korean language, how to teach these words and the onomatopoeic and mimetic words' own matters. That is,韩语毕业论文,onomatopoeic and mimetic words for Korean language education should be frequently used by native speakers and are educationally efficient words that can help students to expand their knowledge of vocabularies. The characteristics of these Korean onomatopoeic and mimetic words should also be well reflected. These three criteria are set as the guidelines for the selection of onomatopoeic and mimetic words for Korean language education.
In order to make a list of onomatopoeic and mimetic words for Korean language education, the onomatopoeic and mimetic words from those that are being taught in current Korean language teaching system were extracted. The words were extracted from 34 books from 5 different textbook publishers. Words were also sampled from TOPIK (Test Of Proficiency In Korean) test s ranging from the 2nd to 29th tests. In addition to that, more words were taken from ‘the List of Vocabularies for Korean Language Learners’ published by the National Institute Of the Korean Language (2003) and ‘the Learner's Dictionary of Korean’ published by the National Institute Of the Korean Language and the Foundation for Korean Language and Globalisation (2006). This study places emphasis on the education of onomatopoeic and mimetic words and selected onomatopoeic and mimetic words which combine with high frequency verbs in order to obtain an additional list of onomatopoeic and mimetic words. This approach came from the fact that onomatopoeic and mimetic words have a characteristic of combining with verbs most of the time. Therefore, the selection was done by going through verbs that are frequently used by the native speakers and from there, the onomatopoeic and mimetic words that often combine with those verbs are selected.
Considering the characteristics of onomatopoeic and mimetic words, the words themselves are not frequently used but when the usage is considered together with the verbs that they combine with, if the verbs are frequently used, teaching onomatopoeic and mimetic words is worthwhile. As a result,韩语毕业论文, 429 onomatopoeic and mimetic words were selected that were related to 53 high frequency verbs.
On the basis of the usage frequency of 711 onomatopoeic and mimetic words that are selected from various categories, 180 onomatopoeic and mimetic words which show above-average usage frequency were rated by the three criteria to see if they are suitable to be included in the list of onomatopoeic and mimetic words for Korean language education. After the process of rating, 155 onomatopoeic and mimetic words in total were finally selected for Korean language education.
After that, the criteria for phased arrangement such as the frequency of use,intimacy, derivational form, grades of the words were provided and this was followed by the arrangement of levels namely, beginner level, intermediate level and advanced level.
The educational contents of onomatopoeic and mimetic words from the current Korean language textbooks were examined before suggesting the phased contents of education. Through this, it is confirmed that each textbook is presenting a different list of onomatopoeic and mimetic words and its educational contents was also varied. While some were presenting only morphemes and others were dealing with relatively detailed information such as i) morphemes and example sentences, ii) morphemes with meanings and iii) morphemes with meanings and derivation and example sentences.
This study suggests two principles in the formation of educational contents of onomatopoeic and mimetic words for Korean language education. The first is that all the information on each word should be provided to the students when it comes to the teaching of onomatopoeic and mimetic words. The other is that as the level advances towards the intermediate and advanced levels, specific information should be emphasized while still providing the above information. Hence, in order to prepare for the phased educational contents, the characteristics of onomatopoeic and mimetic words for each level were classified into morphemic approach, syntactic approach and semantic approach.
