확장형 듣기를 활용한 한국어 듣기 수업의 설계와 적용 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

Intensive listening, listening a text repeatedly, is the main part of in Korean listening class. Intensive listening helps learners improve their ability to listen in general and have higher accuracy of it. However, Accuracy and fluency are complement...

Intensive listening, listening a text repeatedly, is the main part of in Korean listening class. Intensive listening helps learners improve their ability to listen in general and have higher accuracy of it. However, Accuracy and fluency are complementary in communication. The improvement in fluency is on condition of various listening experience, though, it is difficult to experience listening in a various way.
As an alternative proposal, this study suggests that extensive listening with different texts is effective to improve learners’ fluency. Applying extensive listening to the real class, this study analized the effect on learners’ ability to listen and their learning attitude.
The subjects for the experiment consisted of 18 international students who have been studying Korean for more than 1 year. The program lasted for about 1 month, 2 or 3 times a week and 10 times in total. Each lesson lasted for 50 minutes, and there were two groups: One was for an intensive listening class in control and the other was for an extensive listening class in experiment. Prior to the experiment, this study conducted a survey on the status of the subjects’ ability to listen to Korean. Testing for measures of agreement was taken with the 21st TOPIK and a vocabulary test, and at then end of the 10th lesson, a listening achievement test, a listening proficiency test and a vocabulary test were taken. Then, a survey on the learners of extensive listening program was conducted. The result of the survey shows that the extensive listening program helped the learners improve not only their Korean proficiency but their affective characteristics such as interest, self-confidence in Korean.
The first chapter shows the needs and aims of this study, reviews previous studies, and deals with the topics and methods of this study.
The second chapter presents the concept of extensive listening and its applications and its effect as well.
The third chapter analyzes the status of the learners ability to listen in order to design an extensive listening program. It also sets the steps of the extensive listening program, and then presents the selection criteria for teaching materials and their applications to extensive listening.
The fourth chapter demonstrates a newly designed program based on the application of the extensive listening, and explains how the class was run and analyzes what the results of running a class were in reality.
The fifth chapter summarizes the results of this study to draw a conclusion and proposes a way for further studies on the extensive listening in Korean education afterwards.
