조사 사용의 경향성 분석을 통한 한국어 학습자 언어 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

This study aims at discussing the characteristics of Korean learner language through tendency analysis of postposition use. Learners produce transitional language close to Korean language, the target language, in the course of acquiring it as a 2nd la...

This study aims at discussing the characteristics of Korean learner language through tendency analysis of postposition use. Learners produce transitional language close to Korean language, the target language, in the course of acquiring it as a 2nd language, which is named Learner Language. This study allows all the languages produced by learners and develops discussion out of the dichotomy dividing the learner language into 'proper' or 'improper'.
This study suggested that Korean postposition could be utilized as a analytic mechanism in analyzing the Korean learner language. The reason of my special choice of the grammatical element, 'Korean postposition' as a main mechanism of discussion is based on its particularity. Korean postposition is a grammatical element which reflects internal property of Korean language, serving as an important clue in identifying Korean sentences. In regard to the practical aspect of language analysis, the Korean postposition is a grammatical element related with syntax, semantics, and discourse all together. In other words, the Korean postposition integrated with various components can be used as a marker of grammatical relation, realize semantics, and function as a discourse marker. It is unusual that a grammatical element has possibility of this multifaceted interpretation. Therefore, if this property of postposition is utilized, multifaceted interpretation of Korean sentences is possible. And it is supposed that this property also appears in Korean learner language as a 2nd language.
This study develops discussion through the tendency of language used by learners in terms of interpretation method of learner language analysis. In investigating tendency, frequency of use is employed, and the proper use of postposition from Korean native speaker's intuition can be interpreted as 'preference' which the learners feel in the acquiring course, whereas the improper use of postposition can be interpreted as 'difficulty'.
This thesis applied different study method according to learners' proficiency. As for elementary and intermediate level learners of Korean, discussion was developed in contrast with Korean native speaker's use of language through frequency of postposition use drawn from free composition, while as for advanced level learners of Korean, it was discussed through experimental sheet of 'a forced-choice elicitation task' type.
The result of discussion showed that elementary level learners tended to realize an adverb representing time and place or an object representing a target rather than realizing the main agent of behavior or experience. First, considering 'preference' tendency of elementary level learners out of 'preference' and 'difficulty' through alternating use of postposition, the component realized by a thematic word had a preference tendency to alternate the component which could be realized by a subject, and a locomotive verb used as a predicate had a preference tendency for '에' realizing destination point to '을/를' realizing objecthood or '(으)로' realizing direction or course among locative properties. In this case, the preference for '에', semantic case postposition, to '을/를', grammatical case postposition, could be regarded to represent preference tendency for semantic aspect in terms of syntax and semantics. And preference tendency for '도' instead of ‘이/가’ or '을/를', grammatical case postposition, appeared high, indicating closeness to discourse aspect.
Elementary level learner's 'difficulty' was discussed by alternating postposition of error sentence. The aspect of postposition alternation produced by elementary level learners with a high frequency included alternation of ‘이/가’ and '을/를', grammatical case postposition, and that of '에' and ‘에서', semantic case postposition. This pair of postpositions belong to the same category, by which it can be confirmed that elementary level learners suffer difficulty in acquiring internally as syntax and semantics do not cross each other. Because improper alternating use of '이/가' and '을/를’ produces error sentences with far higher frequency than other alternating frequency, learners have difficulty in acquiring a subject and an object. In regard to the alternating error of '에' and '에서', given that '에' realizes destination point and '에서‘ realizes starting point from semantic aspect, learners experience difficulty in discriminating both meanings.
Intermediate learners tended to realize an object representing target, and showed higher tendency to realize the main agent of behavior or experience than elementary level learners. Considering the 'preference' tendency of intermediate learner language, the component which integrated the pragmatic case postposition '은/는' or ‘도' was realized in the place where '이/가' or '을/를', grammatical case postposition, could be used from alternating aspect. The tendency to realize the thematic word instead of a subject or an object could be confirmed. Especially, in case of using '은/는', the thematic word was realized, suggesting that they acquired better when an object was realized by the thematic word in that the frequency of realizing '은/는' instead of '을/를' was higher than elementary level. Also, in case that '에' and '에서' were available, they tended to prefer '에서’ differently from elementary level, which indicated that they understood better the meaning of ‘에서'.
In regard to the learner's 'difficulty' in intermediate learner language, the inter-alternating error of '이/가' and '을/를' and that of '에' and '을/를' showed high frequency. in which the former was an error between grammatical case prepositions while the latter was one between semantic case postposition and grammatical case postposition. Differently from the elementary level, the reason that the error between semantic case postposition and grammatical case postposition showed high frequency suggested the difficulty in acquiring the inter-connecting point between syntactic aspect and semantic aspect, which was contrasted with the elementary level in which each aspect was separated. But it appeared similar with the elementary level in that they had difficulty in discriminating a subject and an object. Moreover, in comparing with high frequency of alternating error of ‘에’ and '에서' in elementary level, it was confirmed that in intermediate level they had difficulty in discriminating locative property and objecthood beyond semantic discrimination through alternation of '에' and '을/를'.
As for the advanced learner language, the priority was given to 'preference' rather than 'difficulty' for more concrete discussion. Considering the advanced language learner's 'preference' tendency, subject-object rising construction tended to realize the case in the grammatical case postposition alternating construction, while object-subject rising construction tended to realize the embedded sentence. In the passive sentence with an object, they tended to realize an object, and in long causative construction they tended to realize by a component connected to principal sentence. In the long negative construction, they tended to realize staticity than dynamism, and in the dual subject construction they tended to prefer genitive case construction. Among the alternating constructions related with semantic case postposition, in the alternating construction of '이/가' and '에' they tended to prefer semantic case postposition to grammatical case postposition for the subject case locative component.
while in the alternating construction of '을/를' and '에' they tended to prefer locative property to objecthood or wholeness as well as in the alternating construction of '을/를' and '에서'.
In the alternating construction of '을/를' and '(으)로‘, they preferred discontinuity to continuity. As for alternating construction of grammatical case postposition and semantic case postposition, when considering the syntactic aspect and semantic aspect together, advanced level learners tended to prefer the former to the latter. In the alternating construction of grammatic case postposition and pragmatic case postposition, they did not show prominent preference frequency for '은/는' and '이/가'. But in contrast with Korean native speakers who prominently preferred '은/는' in realizing a subject and thematic word, they showed relatively higher preference in choosing '이/가'. Additionally, in relation with the realization of a subject or thematic word in the sentence where connective suffix was used, Korean native speakers showed prominent preference tendency according to the meaning of connective suffix, while advanced level learners were not consistent yet, suggesting that it was not easy for them to acquire grammatical element performing syntactic function and semantic function simultaneously.
In this thesis, the characteristics of elementary, intermediate, and advanced learner language were discussed with the Korean postposition as a mechanism. It suggested the possibility of utilizing Korean postposition as an analysis mechanism of learner language, through which syntactic aspect, semantic aspect, and discourse aspect were discussed all together according to the language learners' proficiency. It is expected that this study will help the learners of Korean language as a 2nd language acquire better understanding of learner language.
