This study is to build groundwork for educating foreign students studying abroad in writing academic thesis via confirming whether move structure in abstracts, proposed by Bitchener(2010), can be applied to Korean abstracts, which is done by analyzing...
This study is to build groundwork for educating foreign students studying abroad in writing academic thesis via confirming whether move structure in abstracts, proposed by Bitchener(2010), can be applied to Korean abstracts, which is done by analyzing Korean version of graduate level thesis abstracts in Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language. Current study can be helpful to education in writing thesis since it examines the difference between Korean abstracts written by native Korean speakers and non-native Korean speakers and proposes formulaic language appears often in Korean abstracts. It also draws common components and discrepancies between master abstract and PhD level thesis abstract written by native Korean speakers, in order to assist students whose non-native Korean speakers in writing their PhD thesis.
The number of foreign students in the domestic higher education institutions has been increasing since 2000 as well as the relative number of foreign students in graduate level programs. This indicates that there are more foreign students who need to write graduate level thesis in Korean. However, education in thesis writing is under studied in previous literature although it is very actively researched in English language education headed by the genre approach. Although the genre approach centered writing education is somewhat available in Korean language education, since there is none in Korean abstracts in thesis writing education, current suppose to facilitate writing thesis Korean abstracts for foreign students studying in Korean.
This investigates 92 sample theses from all graduate level theses written in IMRD structure from 2005 to 2011 in 6 universities, sampled by stratified random sampling method. Based on the result from the first round analysis of 17 theses out of 92 samples, the author set Kappa indicator at 1.0 with 2 raters who expect to receive master degree in Korean education via rater discipline, individual analysis, re-discipline and rater negotiation. After achieving the confidence in raters, one rater is asked to analyze the entire sample. The analysis is based on the length of the abstract, move structure, types, the existence of metadicouse expression and the pattern of the first sentence.
The finds that the modified model of Bichener's(2010) is applicable to Korean abstracts. However the order of proposing the move 1 and the move 2 was different. Investigated abstracts selectively included each move from the move 1 to the move 5 and the move 4 had the highest inclusion rate. And percentage of data with metadicouse move is 59.15%, which indicates the significant number of abstracts contain metadicouse moves. Although from KT and KD R were found more than S, among the theses written by non-native Korean speakers, S abracts in Korean were found more often. Also, for KT, KD and FT Korean abstracts, ones started with the objectives of the studies dominated others. For FT Korean abstracts, there were very short ones with less than 200 letters.
Although, there was not significant difference in structure of the moves between KT and KD Korean abstract, the study finds that KD had more move 4 and has more complicated structure. FT Korean abstracts had higher portion of metadicouse moves than KT or KD Korean abstracts and it also had less of move 3, which explains the research methodologies. Also FT Korean abstract had shorter move 4, which states the findings of the research, or it was even omitted, hence was not able to take the advantage of the abstracts.
The generalized model and the formulaic languages in Korean abstracts in the field of Korean education investigated in this would provide help to non-native Koreans in writing their thesis. From this study, one can also understand where they should focus when writing KD Korean abstracts. Furthermore, the comparison between abstracts written by native and non-native Korean speakers can be a guideline in thesis writing education. The generalized model and the formulaic languages found in the result of current study would not only help non-native Korean speakers but also native ones in writing thesis.
The is significant in that it investigated the genre approach, which has not been studied previously, but it has a limitation in that it bounded the scope of the study in the field of Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language. As the number of academic purposes learners of Korean is increasing, studying interdisciplinary variation is needed. And the development of educational program for individual learners would be needed as well. Developing educational program based on the finding of the current study would help academic purposes learners in thesis writing.
,韩语论文范文,韩语毕业论文 |