외국어로서의 한국어 언어문화교육에서의 화용 내용 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The dissertation is to analyse the items selected for pragmatics contents when Korean learners as the second language are learning the cultural characteristics about Korean speech method. In the background of linguistic culture it is generally ass...

The dissertation is to analyse the items selected for pragmatics contents when Korean learners as the second language are learning the cultural characteristics about Korean speech method.
In the background of linguistic culture it is generally assumed that the conception of the people who belong to the culture appears in their expression. Under the premises the contents and description of linguistic culture are mainly based on the following elements; (1) speakers and listeners who need a form and function in using a language, (2) the strategies depending on the speech situation and the purpose of language use, and (3) the interpretation derived from the social-linguistics phenomenon.
The most important thing in the education of Korean as a foreign language(KFL) is the linguistic culture in which Korean people’s thought is expressed. Therefore this study is to choose pragmatic items as the contents for linguistic culture education and to describe them using pragmatics approach based on thought and expression. Such a selection of pragmatic items not only could suggest the principles of teaching-learning for cultural education but also could contribute to enhance the language and communication ability of learners.
In the dissertation the purpose of describing pragmatic contents is to raise the communication ability for learners to obtain the knowledge of Korean language and apply it to everyday life. The pragmatics content here includes three items for analysis. First, the “greetings” content contains mostly formal expressions and reflects linguistic culture by thought and expression. It is necessary for learners to become well acquaint with the pragmatic knowledge, that is, whether the greetings are formal ones or daily ones done among people who meet everyday, special greetings for particular day, and phone-call greetings.
Second, the pragmatic content in the “terms of reference” and “terms of address” described the referring and addressing in the social relationship; for example, social relation in consideration of Korean social structure, terms of address in the relation with a stranger, and terms of reference for the phone-call in the place of work.
Third, the pragmatic content in the “an honorific expression” are described under the conditions for learners to understand the family relationship and social –cultural background in Korea.
The results in this dissertation can be summarized as follows. First, this study can provide more effective teaching-learning materials to enhance the ability for learner to learn foreign language and to communicate in reality. Second, one of the results provides the basic data for the researches in Korean linguistic culture education and at the same time contribute to the construction of the systematic items for pragmatic contents.
Lastly, in this study the selection and description of pragmatic contents can elevate the level of teaching-learning effect in Korean linguistic education in Korean as a Foreign Language and enhance pragmatic contents in Korean linguistic education.

【Key word】 the Education of KFL, Linguistic Culture, Linguistic Culture Education, Pragmatic, the Pragmatic as a Linguistic Culture, Thought and Expression, greetings, terms of reference, terms of address and, honorific expression
