일본인 학습자의 한국어 발화에서의 피치 패턴 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

A study on the pitch patterns in the utterance of the Japanese learners of Korean Misaki Yamamoto Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language Department of Korean Language and Literature The Graduate School of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies ...

A study on the pitch patterns in the utterance of the Japanese learners of Korean

Misaki Yamamoto
Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language
Department of Korean Language and Literature
The Graduate School of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

This study aims to analyze the pitch patterns in the utterances of words in their citation forms and of words attached to particles in the utterance of Japanese learners of Korean(henceforth JLK), and to find the contrastive differences between JLK's patterns and Korean(Seoul dialect) native speakers' through the acoustic phonetical analysis.
Using the PRAAT tool, JLK group's word pitch patterns were compared to Korean native speaker group's in the Korean word initials in the case of a consonant, an aspiration, a fortis, a nasal, a fricative, or a vowel. The participant were 19 females between the age of 20 and 30. JLK group were 11 and Korean native Seoul dialect speaking group were 9. Analyzed data consisted of three syllable types that were single syllable, double syllables and triple syllables. Each type was in 6 patterns. Therefore, in total, 18 citation forms and 18 words attached with particles were acoustic-phonetically analyzed. Each word and particle was separated and analyzed in 17 sentences. The following are the results of JLK's and Korean native speaker's. In the result of analysis of Korean native speaker(of the standard dialect in Seoul area), there were regular pitch patterns with individual differences but the difference of individual F0 was not wide. As a result of this observation, it is confirmed that there exists a specific pitch pattern of Seoul dialect, but this pitch pattern does not have a distinctive feature of distinguishing between the words' meaning.
In the result of JLK, their pitch patterns were different with those of Korean native speakers, yet similar patterns were observed in this group and the difference of individual F0 was wider than Korean group.
In the case of citation forms, Korean native speakers' initial word sounds are almost falling despite of the kind of sounds. JLK's pattern tends to flat or fall and rise a little. That was different from Korean speakers'.
In the case of words attached with particles, Korean speakers F0 values were rising in spite of the type of particles, but JLK's F0 values have shown little rising or falling sometimes.
In this study, we found the existence of specific pitch pattern of Seoul dialect and the clear tendency of foreign language speaking Korean learners's pitch pattern. So further study needs to find out the other foreign language speaking learners' pitch pattern, more accurate tendencies and specific features in Korean. Based on this result, pronunciation education for a foreign language speaking group would be more helpful and effective.
