모바일콘텐츠 사용자만족에 향을 미치는 요인에 관한 국가간 비교연구 : 한국과 몽골을 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The use of mobile gadgets has been rising day by day. The mobile web is one of the most exciting zones for the industry as well as research and development. This thesis shows a study on the mobile contents which are possible to access through wireless...

The use of mobile gadgets has been rising day by day. The mobile web is one of the most exciting zones for the industry as well as research and development. This thesis shows a study on the mobile contents which are possible to access through wireless internet using mobile devices such as cell phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs), and other mobile gadgets in the public network.
The research interest of the thesis is to analyse the users' satisfaction of mobile contents in Korea and Mongolia. The system quality, information quality, and the cost to access which contain total six independent variables are affecting on users' satisfaction of mobile contents. The users' satisfaction of mobile contents increases the frequency to use mobile contents.
The ease of use, security, timeliness, relevance, entertainment quality, and the cost to access are the six independent variables which are used to analyse users' satisfaction of mobile contents in Korea and Mongolia. These independent variables are extracted from literature survey. The ease of use and security represent system quality as well as the timeliness, relevance, and entertainment quality come in domain of information quality.
The questionnaire surveys were collected from users of mobile contents in Korea and Mongolia. The statistical analysis has been done using SPSSWIN 12.0 software and the results of analysis are described as below-
I. The hypotheses for ease of use and timeliness are positive for users in Korea.
II. The hypotheses for security and relevance are positive for users in Mongolia.
III. The hypotheses for entertainment quality and cost are positive for users in both Korea and Mongolia.
IV. The users’ satisfaction affects on the frequency to use mobile contents in both countries.
