한국어 장애음 발음 교육에 관한 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the error on Korean lenis, fortis, and aspirated pronunciation of korean-learning chinese and grope for the teaching method to hear and to pronounce correctly. The subject of study is Chinese students learn...

The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the error on Korean lenis, fortis, and aspirated pronunciation of korean-learning chinese and grope for the teaching method to hear and to pronounce correctly.
The subject of study is Chinese students learning Korean to enter university or graduate school. The method of study in this thesis grounds on the theories of error analysis and contrastive analysis. In a word, it is as follows.
First, I inquired into questions to analyze the learner's demand to Korean teaching teachers and Korean learning learners. As a result, it made clear that we need systematic curriculum, the time of different phonetic education, and the improvement of teaching material to teach effective Korean pronunciation.
Second, I made experiments on the ability of hearing because hearing is closely concerned with pronunciation in pronunciation learning. So, the more go up students from low beginner to high learner, the better the ability of hearing is. But they show much differences even in the same level. As a result, all the beginner, intermediate learners in ‘ㄷ’, ‘ㅂ’, ‘ㅅ’ systems felt difficult. By the way, they show lots of errors in having access to Korean lenis and fortis, and to Korean lenis and aspirated pronunciation, but show only a few errors in visiting fortis and aspirated pronunciation here and there.
Third, I found problems in learner's pronunciation and tested the error of that to create the orientation of effective pronunciation education. There aren't clear differences in one syllable, the layer of word and sentence after I see if there are differences in the degree of difficulty between words of one syllables and more than two syllables in beginner learner, and between the layer of word and sentence in intermediate and higher learners. But, there are differences in the degree of difficulty in error of pronunciation according to the kind of pronunciation joined. In comparison with level, learners felt difficult to pronounce Korean in ‘ㄷ’ and ‘ㅅ’ order. Intermediate and higher learners showed low correctness in ‘ㅂ’ and ‘ㅅ’ order. it is identical with hearing test that as learners go up from low level to Intermediate and high level , so they have high accuracy in pronunciation.
Fourth, I analyzed the cause of hearing and error of pronunciation. The most important cause in the error of pronunciation is that the consonant system of Korean and Chinese are different each other. Korean is divided into Korean lenis, fortis, and aspirated pronunciation according to the intensity of sound. On the contrary, Chinese is divided into unaspirated and aspirated sounds. And unaspirated sounds of Chinese in the beginning of words are pronounced the sound similar to fortis, but so aren't they in the middle of words. But fortis, and aspirated pronunciation, and aspirated pronunciation keep aspirates and laryngeal tension regardless of sound environment. As a result, learners showed lots of errors pronouncing fortis to lenis, as Korean fortis are repeated. Also, it can be the cause of errors that joined vowel sounds are difficult.
Lastly, I groped for teaching plans for effective education of consonant pronunciation. I confirmed the result after I planed the teaching model according to 'pronunciation diagnosis before education - hearing or recognition - explanation - exercise - confirmation' and teach students for 4 months.
I exuviated one sided explanations by teacher, presented materials that learners themselves are comparable, and have a lot of opportunities of songs, games and exercises, and induced the spontaneous participation. Also, I evaluated the degree of achievement of Korean pronunciation through confirmative process about pronunciation teaching and attempted repetitive learning through feedback. Accordingly, the correctness of Korean pronunciation is 22% higher than before education, but the correctness of lenis has lower numbers than fortis or aspirated pronunciation. Therefore, We need continuous feedback and confirmation on the education of Korean lenis.
The errors of Korean lenis, fortis, and aspirated pronunciation have problems that lead to the specialization of meaning and communicative obstacle. Therefore, teachers should direct students correctly by contrasting phonetic value with the differences of pronunciation method in Korean lenis, fortis, and aspirated pronunciation, as they teach the pronunciation of consonant and vowel sounds in the beginning of education.
I expect this thesis will become a method to teach Korean lenis, fortis, and aspirated pronunciation easily and correctly to Chinese learners studying Korean.
