「つもり」의 한국어 번역례 분석 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

There are more 「つもり」 cases than suggested in Japanese Korean dictionaries. There are many translation cases that do not have 1:1 correspondences. In this manuscript, we looked into these cases focused on Japanese novels and their Korean t...

There are more 「つもり」 cases than suggested in Japanese Korean dictionaries.
There are many translation cases that do not have 1:1 correspondences. In this
manuscript, we looked into these cases focused on Japanese novels and their
Korean translation. In order to collect translation cases, we did research on 8
japanese novels and each corresponding Korean translation version. Dividing them
by each sentence type and succeeding form, we did translation case analysis.
In terms of sentence types, to begin with, we examined translation cases based on
sentence types mainly divided into 7 types.
1) In terms of a sentence type that means willingness and intention using 「V-る/
V-ないつもりだ」, there were 10 translation cases. They were "생각 (16.87%), 작정
(4.82%), '-하려하다' form (7.23%), '-ㄹ' form (3.61%), 셈(1.20%), 속셈 (1.20%), 마음
(1.20%), '-고 싶다‘ form (1.20%), 건 (1.20%) and other expressions meaning
willingness (2.40%).“
2) In terms of a sentence type that means denial of the speaker's willingness using
「V-る/ V-ないつもりだ」, there were 5 translation cases. They were "생각
(10.84%), 마음 (2.40%), 뜻 (1.20%), '-고 싶다‘ (1.20%), 것 (1.20%).“
3) In terms of a sentence type that means denial of the speaker's willingness of
「V-る/ V-ないつもりだ」, there were 4 translation cases. They were "생각 (4.82%),
뜻 (2.40%), 계획 (1.20%), 거(것) (1.20%).“
4) In terms of a sentence type that means ‘그렇게 하려는 의지를 가지고’ of 「V-る/
V-ないつもりだ」, it was translated to "요량 (1.20%)."
5) In terms of a sentence type that means ‘belief' using 「Nのつもりだ」「Naなつも
りだ」「Aつもりだ」 and 「V-た/V-ているつもりだ」, there were 9 translation cases.
They were "생각 (9.64%), 거(것) (2.40%), 작정 (1.20%), 셈치고 (1.20%), 요량 (1.20%),
(인사)치레(1.20%), ’-고 있었‘ form (3.61%), 여긴 (1.20%), ’-하지‘ form (1.20%).“
6) In terms of a sentence type that means ‘opposite to the fact' using 「Nのつもり
だ」「Naなつもりだ」「Aつもりだ」 and 「V-た/V-ているつもりだ」, there were 4
translation cases. They were "생각 (2.40%), 작정 (1.20%), ’-하려하다‘ form (1.20%),
것 (1.20%).“
7) In terms of a sentence type that denies other people's interpretation and
judgement about what the speaker did using 「V-る/ V-ないつもりだ」, it was
translated into "'-하려고‘ form (1.20%)."
8) In terms of a sentence type that means assuming something based on some
action using 「V-る/ V-ないつもりだ」, it was translated into "'-줄 알고‘ (1.20%)."
From the above analysis, we could find out the sentence type that means
willingness and intention using 「V-る/ V-ないつもりだ」 has the most various
translation cases. The sentence type that means ‘belief' using 「Nのつもりだ」「Na
なつもりだ」「Aつもりだ」 and 「V-た/V-ているつもりだ」 occupied the second place.
The most frequent translation case regardless of sentence types was "생각" and it
occupied 45% of the total translation cases. "'-하려고’ form (9.64%)" and "것(건, 거),
작정 (7.23%) followed in order.
Summarize translation case analysis according to each succeeding form, the most
frequent form was 「V-る/ V-ないつもりだった」 and it took about 16.65% of the
total translation cases. In this form, it was translated to "생각, 작정, ‘-하려고’ form,
속셈, ‘-해보고 싶다’ form." The second most frequent one was "V-るつもりではなかっ
た (about 9.09%)" and it was translated to "생각, 뜻, 계획." “V-る/ V-ないつもり
(about 7.58%)” translated to "생각 and 작정" and "「その(そんな)つもりで (about
7.58%)」" translated to "생각" followed in order.
As we could find out from the above analysis, there are many different kinds of the
translation cases of 「つもり」 other than 'speaker's willingness (plan)' that we
learn at the beginning of Japanese learning. Various translation case analysis in this
manuscript can be used for Japanese learners to learn the meaning and usage of
Finally, there are many sentence types and forms the cases of which are not
collected. We leave it to further studies.

본고에서는 일한 사전에서 제시되고 있는「つもり」예보다 더 많은 예가 존재하고 있으며, 1:1 대응되고 있지 않은 다양한 번역례가 존재하고 있다는 것을 일본 소설과 한국번역본을 중...
