문화를 중심으로 한 통합 한국어교육 개선 방안 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The purpose of this study is to investigate the ways of educating Korean language using culture. Korean language education using culture has been a major trend recently reflecting the theories that it improves communication skill and enforces the inte...

The purpose of this study is to investigate the ways of educating Korean language using culture. Korean language education using culture has been a major trend recently reflecting the theories that it improves communication skill and enforces the interest and motive of the learner. However, the methods of using culture for the education have been limited to a simple explanation, watching videos or just field trips. Accordingly, there is a deviation from the main purpose of educating korean language.
This study examines and analyzes the textbooks used at various Korean language institutions and presents better methods of teaching Korean language in terms of the contents of textbook and teaching method.
As the conclusion, the study presents several suggestions. For textbook, first, cultural contents of the text should consider the various levels of students. Second, the main purpose should be the education of Korean language, not the culture. Third, culture in the text should be a contemporary one that can be used practically. Also, using illustrations and photos is recommended for better understanding. Finally, textbook should be made considering the eventual goal of Korean language education, the communication skill using Korean.
In terms of teaching methods, first, learning through experience should be the main type of method. Second, various role play is another method recommended, if experience in a real life situation is not possible. Third, students should be encouraged to speak Korean more frequently using various media and feedback should be made continuously.
The suggestions above can improve the effectiveness of Korean language education by clearly defining what-to-teach and how-to-teach.
