학문 목적 한국어 쓰기 교육 방향 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

In recent years, the number of foreign students who learn Korean language for the purpose of entering the university. Besides, there is also a tendency that the number of foreign students who major in specific academic areas at universities in Korea h...

In recent years, the number of foreign students who learn Korean language for the purpose of entering the university. Besides, there is also a tendency that the number of foreign students who major in specific academic areas at universities in Korea has been increasing. It is also a harsh truth, however, that most of the foreign students who study their major fields at Korean universities are suffering from the difficulties in studying their major fields. The major causes for this difficulty are greatly based on a lack of writing ability which is required by universities. Many researchers are therefore interested in resolving the difficulties that foreign students who want to enter universities in Korea. The current study was conducted to examine the identity of writing Korean, enabling foreign students to successfully obtain the academic achievements at university, one of the academic requirements and thereby to provide educational guidelines for writing Korean for academic purpose.
To provide guidelines for writing Korean for academic purpose, the basic concept and scope of the education about writing Korean was summarized in Chapter II. Besides, in Chapter III, with reference to the previous discussions, a 4-stage educational system for writing Korean for academic purpose was suggested. Each stage consists of Stage 1 where Korean language education is provided for foreign students at the language education center affiliated to universities, Stage 2 where prospective college students are required to take an academic writing course, Stage 3 where the compulsory literary course which all the major fields commonly require is provided and Stage 4 where an in-depth education of specific major fields is provided.
Of these, the key part is Stage 2. ‘A literary course of Korean language for college students’, corresponding to Stage 3, is provided for Korean students so that they may be helpful for acquiring the ability to write Korean for academic purpose. In other words, so long as foreign students should successfully complete a Stage-3 course, they would be able to successfully take a college course. Foreign students who entered colleges following a Stage-1 course, however, suffer from a lot of difficulties in taking a Stage-3 course together with Korean students. It is therefore essential to establish a Stage-2 course which will be responsible for writing Korean for academic purpose for foreign students who are residing in Korea.
Then, in an attempt to examine the actual identity of Korean writing ability which is required for a Stage-2 course, one of the Korean writing educational course, as suggested in Chapter III, i.e., the Korean writing ability enabling foreign students to take a college course, textbooks which are currently used for ‘A literary course of Korean language’ at four universities located in Seoul, Korea were analyzed. Besides, to examine how these four textbooks are different from the current status of Korean writing education, instructive materials for Korean writing, which have been published by Korean language institute affiliated to two universities located in Seoul, Korea, were also analyzed. An analysis of these instructive materials is performed in accordance with three categories: (1) writing knowledge, (2) writing project and (3) materials for reading. A category of writing knowledge was subdivided into the linguistic aspect and the rhetoric one. A category of writing project was subdivided into five subcategories: (1) the main idea, (2) the type of text, (3) the mode of expression, (4) the amount of writing and (5) writing skill. Finally, a scope of materials for reading was subdivided into three subcategories: (1) the main idea, (2) the type of text and (3) the amount of materials for reading.
Moreover, based on the results of an analysis of textbooks, the current study proposed guidelines for Korean writing education consisting of the following four matters:
(1) An appropriate education of a scope of writing knowledge is mandatory for Korean writing education for academic purpose.
(2) An education of Korean writing for academic purpose should deal with the current issue or academic topic rather than the daily trivia associated with the personal experience.
(3) An education of Korean writing for academic purpose should mainly focus on the writing which is required by universities.
(4) education of Korean writing for academic purpose should ensure that foreign students to read and understand various reading materials.
The current study will be of great significance in that it attempted to examine the ability to write a Korean language, enabling foreign students to take a college course, through a detailed analysis of textbooks which are actually used for a literary course of Korean language for foreign students who entered universities. There are also difficulties of looking upon four textbooks used at four universities, analyzed in the current study, as the representative of all the textbooks. This is not only because there are some discrepancies of textbook contents depending on the value that each university owns but also the contents and structure of them can vary depending on the purposes that each university pursues. Textbooks, which were actually used at four universities and then analyzed for the current study, also showed a great extent of variations. The current study also disclosed the limitations, however, in that it simply proposed guidelines for Korean writing education through the results of an analysis. Follow-up studies will be of great significance on condition that the actual curriculum, syllabus or textbooks are developed on a substantial extent based on the results of the current study.
