그림 자료를 활용한 한국어 교육 방안 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The advantage of pictures as a teaching material varies in terms of the development of communication skills. The repetitive practice of the same pattern for a simple, situational context is limited in that it can be only satisfied with outcomes in the...

The advantage of pictures as a teaching material varies in terms of the development of communication skills. The repetitive practice of the same pattern for a simple, situational context is limited in that it can be only satisfied with outcomes in the educational aspect of the expression itself.
However, when utilizing picture materials for learning the Korean language as a foreign language, it is possible to perform communicative activities for diverse, purposed situational contexts by proposing a situational context which is highly connected to a learner's real life.
Next in Chapter 1, the study revealed the purpose of and need for research while identifying what kind of value the study of the utilization of picture materials in Korean language education would have. Also, the study summarized related previous studies.
In Chapter 2, the study looked into what kind of picture materials there are as learning materials ahead of conducting detailed research. Based on this, the study mentioned how picture materials function in order to improve communication skills. Next, the study summarized what kind of picture materials that have been proposed in the Korean language textbook there are, and how these materials were proposed with which function in the relevant learning stage.
Based on these processes, the study proposed picture materials that may be utilized in the actual Korean language speaking practice at the beginner level in Chapter 3 and Chapter 4, and composed teaching and learning plans focusing on the picture materials.
This thesis designed learning by newly proposing a learning model mainly with picture materials instead of designing a class utilizing the existing learning model. By applying this learning model in the actual Korean language class, a study of the utilization of picture materials in the further detailed learning area should continue.
