한국어와 중국어의 주제문 비교연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

Korean and Chinese belong to different language types, while they have common ground in many respects. The existence of 'Topic sentence' is one of that in two languages. This focus on the 'topic sentence' through the study of the similarities an...

Korean and Chinese belong to different language types, while they have common ground in many respects. The existence of 'Topic sentence' is one of that in two languages. This focus on the 'topic sentence' through the study of the similarities and differences between Korean and Chinese, and they hope to be helpful for Chinese students on learning Korean.
Based on the study of ‘Topic sentence’ between Korean and Chinese, this comes into the following common ground.
1. These two languages both belong to Topic prominent language and they have the same characteristics and structure of ‘topic / subject / predicate'.
2. The topic words of the topic sentences in Korean and Chinese languages have the same Syntactic function. The ‘topic word’ and ‘topic’ belong to the concepts of different levels. Beside all the discourse features, topic words also have a certain degree of syntactic status.
3. The topic words of the topic sentences in Korean and Chinese languages have the same generative process. The topic words can be divided into 'mobile generation' and 'base generation'.
4. According to the types of the topic, both Korean and Chinese language have the ‘topicalization sentence’ generated by mobile generation and the topic sentence by base generation.
5. The order of surface structure and deep structure of topic sentence of Korean and Chinese are corresponding. Regarding surface structure, the topic sentences are with the same order of ‘topic word/ subject/ predicate’. Regarding deep structure, ‘topic alization sentence’ in Korean can be divided as four categories: ‘objective topic alization’, ‘adverb topicalization’ as regards places and time, ‘genitive topicalization’ and ‘dative topicalization’. However, ‘topicalization sentence’ in Chinese only consists of ‘objective topicalization’, ‘adverb topicalization’ as regards places and time’ and ‘dative topicalization’. Moreover, ‘topic sentence’ of Korean and Chinese show the utter consistence regarding deep structure. That is, topic word in the head of sentence doesn’t have any grammatical relationship with predicates concerning deep structure in topic sentence, there’s only ‘aboutness semantic relationship’ between topic words and predicates.
The above are about the similarities of topic sentence between Korean and Chinese. However, there still exist some expressional differences of topic sentence between Korean and Chinese are they are of distinctive language types which can be enlisted as the following:
1. There is different expression of topic words between Korean and Chinese. Topic words can be achieved by auxiliary words in Korean, whereas it is mainly achieved by the order of sentence in invariable Chinese. Furthermore, the Korean topic word consists of nouns, but Chinese topic word is not only of nouns but also of verbs and adjectives which all can be used in the beginning of sentence.
2. There are distinctive expressions of topic sentence between Korean and Chinese due to the difference of topic word.
3. There is ‘Dative topic sentence’ in Korean, but there are not in Chinese.
