한국어 의도표현 항목 교육방법 연구 : ‘하다’와 ‘되다’로 구성된 의도표현 항목을 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

ABSTRACT A research on the educational method about Korean intention Grammar Marker-dependent Expressions - Centering on intention Grammar Marker-dependent Expressions composed of ‘하다’ and ‘되다’ - An,...


A research on the educational method about
Korean intention Grammar Marker-dependent Expressions
- Centering on intention Grammar Marker-dependent Expressions composed of ‘하다’ and ‘되다’ -

An, Byeong Il
Major in Korean Language Education as a Foreign Language
Graduate School of Education
Kyung Hee University

The purpose of this study is to study intended expressions which represent a speaker's intention among grammar marker-dependent expressions composed of ‘하다/되다’ among grammar marker-dependent expressions being studied for expression improvement and the error prevention of Korean learners in Korean grammar education and to prepare the effective educational method for this. Looking at the previous researches, the researches on intended expressions have dealt with some of calligraphy and aspects categories in Korean education of Korean language department. The intended expressions dealt in calligraphy and aspects categories have intended meanings in form itself and have functions to express the speaker's intention in communication situations. Intention grammar marker-dependent expressions discussed in Korean education of Korean language department are ‘-기로 하다, -려고 하다, -고자 하다, -(으)ㄹ까 하다’. ‘-기로, -려고, -고자 are connecting suffixes which express a purpose and ‘-(으)ㄹ까’ is an ending suffix which asks the listener's intention. Both are the intended expressions which acquire the intended meanings by combining with ‘하다’. These expressions can express a speaker's intention but can not give intentions to a listener or can not control it when a listener delivers his/her intention to a speaker. 'Intention' represents the psychological state of the speaker who determines to do so or tries to solve in a certain way about cases or actions which do not happen yet. Some of intentions can be solved by a speaker but some of them can not be solved by him/her. Also from the point of view of the existing definitions about intention, a speaker intention is involved in information delivery or opinions. Austin(1962) categorized speech acts according to a speaker's speech intention and Kim il wong(1992) categorized intentions into expression intention and delivery intention. In this , intended expressions are categorized into 'speaker-oriented intention' and 'listener-oriented intention' based on language act theory of speech act theory and intended expressions discussed in the previous researches. Speaker-oriented intention is to express a speaker's intention and ‘-았/었/였으면 하다, -(으)ㄹ 만하다 are added to ‘-기로 하다, -려고 하다, -고자 하다, -(으)ㄹ까 하다’. Listener-oriented intention is to give intentions to a listener and ‘-어/아/여야 하다/되다, -지 않으면 안 되다, -도록 하다, -(으)면 되다, -어/아/여도 되다, -지 않아도 되다, -(으)면 안 되다, -어/아/여서는 안 되다’ are included. The direction of this study is as follows. In chapter 1, the necessity and purpose of the study was presented and in chapter 2, concepts of grammar marker-dependent expressions and intended expressions were examined to prepare a theoretical foundation and some intended expressions were presented. In this chapter discussions on Korean education, the study of the Korean language and linguistics were examined to divide intended expressions into speaker-oriented intention and listener-oriented intention. In chapter 3, intention grammar marker-dependent expressions were analyzed represented in Korean grammar books and Korean teaching materials based on the concept of intended expressions discussed in chapter 2. For this, the teaching materials being currently used in the Korean educational institutions became the objects for analysis and the expressions composed of ‘하다’ and ‘되다’ were all analyzed. After that, the intended expressions were drawn out based on the definition and criteria discussed in chapter 2 and appearance period, presented way, description, form information provision etc. were presented. In chapter 4, meanings that intended expressions have were examined based on this. Finally, effective educational plan on intention grammar marker-dependent expressions was presented in chapter 5.
