한국어 사자성어 어휘 교육 방안 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The fact that more than half of Korean Chinese characters are from Chinese is an important basis why education of Chinese character is needed in teaching Korean as a second language. This shows Chinese students are in advantageous position at learning...

The fact that more than half of Korean Chinese characters are from Chinese is an important basis why education of Chinese character is needed in teaching Korean as a second language. This shows Chinese students are in advantageous position at learning Korean compare to other foreign learners. It is true that Chinese students learn Korean Chinese characters easily which have similar meaning and structure of Korean. However, they often make mistakes because of subtle distinction between Korean and Chinese.
This phenomenon also happens when Chinese students learn 4-letter-idioms. Most of 4-letter-idioms in Korea are from China, so it is quite common that people don't teach 4-letter-idioms to Chinese students well or only show the structure of them. Because of passage of time and two countries' social and cultural effects, some of 4-letter-idioms in Korea and China have been changed in the structural and meaning aspect but people don't recognize it.
So I chose 4-letter-idioms that are commonly used in Korea with reference to teaching materials, classified them with comparison of Chinese and Korean structures and meanings and suggested curriculums for teaching Korean 4-letter-idioms to Chinese students.
I analyzed teaching materials that are already published, pointed out wrong points of them and suggested curriculums of 4-letter-idioms in this thesis. The key subject in the curriculum of 4-letter-idioms is to help Chinese students learn differences between Korean and Chinese 4-letter-idioms' structures and meanings. Chinese students will contrast Korean 4-letter-idioms with Chinese through the method that are suggested in this thesis and will learn similarities and differences between Korean and Chinese.
