초등학교 다문화 가정 자녀를 위한 동화 활용 한국어 교육 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The purpose of this study is to present the method of Korean Education using fairy tales for children of multi cultural homes attending elementary schools. Chapter 1 presents the necessity of Korean Education for children of multi cultural homes in e...

The purpose of this study is to present the method of Korean Education using fairy tales for children of multi cultural homes attending elementary schools.
Chapter 1 presents the necessity of Korean Education for children of multi cultural homes in elementary schools using fairy tales through the examination of previous studies.
The second chapter looks at the present condition of Korean Education in elementary schools, find problems and suggest ways of improvement. Two schools were selected for this particular study, one school being an Ordinary Elementary School and the other from an Elementary School that runs special classes. After that, children of multi cultural homes and their supervising teachers were interviewed in depth. The interviews helped the understanding of their school life and the teaching-learning of Korean Education. A basis for this study was made through analyzing their requests.
Chapter 3 makes a principle for selecting fairy tales in Korean Education for the children of multi cultural homes and standards of selection. After that, they are divided into two levels according to Korean skill. Each of these levels include setting an appropriate education course and selecting a fairy tale with a theme.
The fourth chapter presents the actual examples found in the schools using fairy tales with beginner and intermediate Korean children living in multi cultural homes.
The last chapter concludes and presents the limitations of this study. It also suggests that a task of study be presented about Korean Education for children of multi cultural homes after this study.
It is necessary for studies about Korean Education for children of multi cultural homes to live together with their Korean peers in Korea to continue.
