한국어 학습자간 피드백 활용 방안 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

This analyzed the effects of Class feedbacks from teacher in Korean Writing class for foreigners and applied how this method reflected on learner's abilities. For the experiment, eight students of PUFS center for korean language &culture educat...

This analyzed the effects of Class feedbacks from teacher in Korean Writing class for foreigners and applied how this method reflected on learner's abilities. For the experiment, eight students of PUFS center for korean language &culture education from abroad volunteered the activity and divided two groups into guinea pigs and a control group. After class teacher involved in former group and gave them feedback each, but the latter had to get advices from other students within a group. Based on this tips, all students required to rewrite the text again for evaluation. To be accustomed, every student fully understood and acknowledged the way of feedback with teacher's demonstration before the activity. The experiment lasted for

eight week.
Which feedback can be more helpful for learner's writing ability? The result is as following: Both groups indicated improvements in writing task but a little differences exist between them. In other words, whoever gives it to, feedback influenced on their study.
In terms of learner's feedbacks, students earned more detailed advices not only flow and contents but also functions and grammar. Easily approachable quality aspects are the strength of this method. Thru the activity, students could build their networks and maximized the effectiveness of study.
Moreover, the errors and unrelated feedbacks from teachers caused by cultural differences were corrected by other student who studied in a same group.
‘What differences can be made followed by curriculum, types of writing, assignments, and lerner's type and what are the most effective applications for feedbacks by students?' The intensive class by function can maximize strengths of learner's feedback. On the other hand, integrated class can not consider each part of the lessons. Feedback by learners is the ideal solution for learning language but in a realistic situation, teacher's feedback would be more useful. The types and the ways of writing affected on feedback by students, and also for learner's character and assignment.
As the above statement, the conclusions can be made:
First, in a positive way, all feedbacks from teacher and students affected on the progress of Korean Writing. Both feedbacks were more focused on functions such as grammar, vocabulary and spelling rather than content and flow. According to the view point and cultural background, unrelated feedback showed on the contents a bit. Some parts that teacher didn't get properly, feedback has made by other students in class.
Second, it was a good chance to draw positive attention about learner's feedback. Due to the narrow experiences, students hardly believed the learner's feedback while they showed great expectation about teacher's one. After being tested, students agreed that feedbacks from other students could be helpful to their further writing.
Third, students created extra process to accept the critics from other learners. When students received feedback from teacher, they accepted it without being questioned. But from other students, they thought it again with critical understanding which raise them a way to recreate writing. The more student uses this process, the more responsibility, confidence and class participation have been improved.
To sum up, it is necessary to make proper method and procedures for precedence activity that teaches feedback effectively. It also need to utilize both feedback from students and teacher with balance. This experiment targeted for intermediate learners and further research required by learner's level.
