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日本語 拒絶表現에 관한 考察 : 韓國語와의 對照를 통하여 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The purpose of this thesis is studying on the diverse types and features for refusal expression of Korean & Japanese in dramas and film scripts. The summary of this thesis is as follows. First, the type of refusal expression in Korean & Japanese is d...

The purpose of this thesis is studying on the diverse types and features for refusal expression of Korean & Japanese in dramas and film scripts. The summary of this thesis is as follows.
First, the type of refusal expression in Korean & Japanese is divided into direct and indirect refusal expression and sample expressions are given to provide such semantic formula.
Second, the research findings on refusal expression in Korean & Japanese in conversation is analyzed. The semantic formula such as direct refusal, reason, evasion, suggest and an alternative is commonly used in many cases. And the semantic formula of promise is used rarely. Apology is formal refusal expression for not accepting a request or a recommendation. Such refusal expressions are commonly used twice as more as in Japanese than Korean.
Third, there are differences in location on direct refusal expression in conversation. The location of refusal expression in Korean is placed in front of sentence than Japanese.
And last, the refusal expression which depends on high and low, intimacy relations and gender are further studied. In case of high and low relations in Japanese, the elder speaker tends to use the direct refusal expressions less frequently. And in Korean, direct refusal expressions are not often used to elders as well. In case of intimacy relations, Japanese rarely uses refusal expression among close friends, whlie Korean has less influenced in intimacy relations than Japanese. In other words, Japanese gets more influenced by high and low, intimacy relations than Korean. In case of gender both countries use many of semantic formula, such as direct refusal and reason.
As explained above the refusal expressions has various indirect type and features to overcome conflict and misunderstanding during conversation. And numerous techniques to maintain harmonious relations are used in locations of direct refusal and expression of reason among semantic formula.
