古流《大東流柔術》의 張保皐(新羅明神)에 關한 硏究 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

In this study, I looked into the traditionality by finding the connections of Daito-ryu JuJutsu(大東流柔術) origination by various methods of comparison and analysis of Sillamyojin(新羅明神) and Sillasaburo Yosimitsch(新羅三郞源義光). ...

In this study, I looked into the traditionality by finding the connections of Daito-ryu JuJutsu(大東流柔術) origination by various methods of comparison and analysis of Sillamyojin(新羅明神) and Sillasaburo Yosimitsch(新羅三郞源義光). To obtain this purpose, as a first historical material, old books were investigated, analysed, and discussed, and as a second, related publications, articles, and internet sites were furnished.
Based on this, I looked into physical techniques in Koryu(古流) Daito-ryu Jujutsu(大東流柔術), and further more, could confirm some points that suggested to establish a correct historical sense of values about military arts of Korea, China, and Japan. The results are as shown below.
First, terms of Sundo(仙道), Mooto(武道) as well as art of fencing that indicates specific military arts were appeared in Wharangseki(《花郞世紀》) of Silla(新羅) period. If Wharangseki(《花郞世紀》) were formed in 7th century, the term of Mooto(武道) should be originated in Silla(新羅).
Second, the term of Sillamyojin(新羅明神) was recorded in Samkooksaki(《三國史記》), Samkookyusa(《三國遺事》) as Goongbok(弓福) or Goongpa(弓巴). Chang Po-go(張寶高) was recorded in Hangki《行記》 and Sokilbonhooki(《續日本後紀》) of Ennin(圓仁, 慈覺大師). Chang Po-go(張寶高) was portrayed as a man who was good at military arts and deep learning in Sindangseo(《新唐書》). He was an expert archer as well as good at the art of fencing. and it was recorded he did not get defeated in all kinds of fight.
Third, there was Banja(班子) to cultivate men of talent who performed Jabhee such as Kakjeo(角抵) and Sangbak(相搏·相撲) at that time, and among them, Sangbakboong(相撲朋) was appeared in wonjeonkisa(原典記事) of historical literatures. Therefore, it was considered that Chang Po-go(張寶高) built up a healthy body in this place.
Fourth, various Kakjeo(角抵) events were held at Hansik(寒食), Sangwon(上元), Tano(端午), Wonso(元宵), jeondangkwanjo(錢塘觀潮) at that time. Actually, hold and throw down techniques were the greater part as known by the contents of kakryokki(《角力記》). Daito-ryu Jujutsu(大東流柔術), which was older than Kakjeo(角抵), Sangbak(相搏·相撲), had body techniques as military strategies it could be observed that arresting and hauling technique as well as the art of spear fighting, fencing, Changsul(杖(奉)術), Sotaedo(小太刀) were existed.
Fifth, a name of Daidong(大東) as a origin of Daito-ryu Jujutsu(大東流柔術) was derived from Daitongku(大東溝), boundary line between Bakhae(渤海) and Silla(新羅) Abrok(鴨綠) river region in Chang Po-go(張寶高) period. That is, a name of Daidongku(大東溝), related to Daito-ryu Jujutsu(大東流柔術) in Tongil Silla(統一新羅) period, was appeared in the literature. The west region of Abrok(鴨綠) river was named Daitongku(大東溝) in Dorigosil(《道理考實》) of Okol(烏骨) River. The boundary line between Tongil Silla(統一新羅) and Balhae(渤海) was Daidongku(大東溝). It seems to be combined because the two countries were racially homogeneous nation. This point of being used the name of Daidong(大東) in Daidongyeojido(大東輿地圖) of Kimjungho(金正浩) in Chosun(朝鮮) period was observed.
Sixth, it was proved that the region of Jungpa Jeoksankoong(赤山宮) in japan was the place of residence of Sillakyedoraein(新羅系渡來人), descendants of Chang Po-go(張寶高)(Sillamyojin(新羅明神)). Some descendants of Chang Po-go(張寶高)(Sillamyojin(新羅明神)) sought refuse in Sandong(山東) peninsula of china. Others were sought refuse in Sikahyeon(滋賀縣) of japan with assistance of priest Ennin(圓仁, 慈覺大師) of Jungpa Jeoksankoong(赤山宮), and they made their place of residence. Chang Po-go(張寶高)(Sillamyojin(新羅明神)) was called Jeoksanmyosin(赤山明神), Jeoksin(赤神) or Jeoksinmyosin(赤山明神) in Jeoksungtaemyosinyeonki(赤城大明神緣記) of Siojawa Yutakain(塩澤裕仁). As their close relationship with Ennin(圓仁, 慈覺大師), Jeoksanmyosin(赤山明神) was respected by Enninmundo(円仁門徒) at the time of confrontation between Sanmoonenninmoondo(山門円仁門徒) and Samoonenninenjinmoondo(寺門円珍門徒), Samoon(寺門) required respect of Chang Po-go(張寶高)(Sillamyojin(新羅明神)) as a guardian deity. Thereafter, Chang Po-go(張寶高)(Sillamyojin(新羅明神)) was worship as a god in chivalry of japan.
Seventh, the father of Daidoryu(大東流) was originated from Sillakyedoraein(新羅系渡來人) of Chang Po-go(張寶高) descendant and spreaded to Sillasamranwoneukwang(新羅三郞源義光). That is, Chang Po-go(張寶高) was officer of Moonyung(武寧) army, and it was recorded that Chang Po-go(張寶高) administrated Jijuchangjeon(地主莊田), and manufactured buddhist temple. Ennin(圓仁), affected by this, founded in Chungpa Jeoksankoong(赤山宮) in Och si, Sika hyeon and respected that Sillamyosin(新羅明神) as a guardian deity specially progenitor of Dakeda(武田)'s family was a warrior named as Sillasaburo(新羅三郞). This was regarded as an obvious evidence that origin of japan warrior was Sillasaburo(新羅三郞).
Eighth, why Minamoto Yosimich(源義光) change his family name of Minamoto(源) to Sillasaburo Yosimich(源義光)? This clue was seen in temple Iidera(源賴義) of Och located in Omi(近江) region. Minamoto Yoriyosi(源賴義) swore that he consecrated his son, Minamoto Yosimich(源賴義) to Sillamyosin(新羅明神) for victory of war. After his winning, he had a coming-of-age ceremony of his son, and let his son's name change.
Ninth, it was not persuasible that Jinwonbin(陳元斌) lived in Ming period effected to japan Jusitsu(柔術). Because this was quitely different physical technique between Konbeub(拳法) and Jusitsu(柔術). There were so many problems that Jinwonbin(陳元斌) got transmitted to Sampo(三浦), Bokjeon(福田), Kipae(磯貝) in japan. Jinwonbin(陳元斌) entered to Sorim(少林) temple in Hanam(河南) in 1613, but it was the problem of 13 months after Nanhaengkohaeng(難行苦行) of buddhist ascetic practices, Konbeub(拳法), Mo(鉾), Chang(槍), Kon(棍) and Cheonryongdo(青竜刀). On the other hands, it is not too much to say that the origin of Jusitsu(柔術) technique of Jeonjang Kumiwoochi(戦場組討) was ancient Smo(相撲). In fact, previous Mooromachi(室町) Makboo(幕府), Jeonjang Kumiwoochi(戦場組討) was grapple military arts acted only in Smo(相撲) in ancient times. It could be known MookaSmo(相撲) was origin of Jeonjang Kumiwoochi(戦場組討) Koryu Jusitsu(柔術).
Tenth, the authority was changed from Gongka(公家) of Chojeongjungkon(朝廷政權) to warrior at the close of the 12th century. At the same time, Smo(相撲) was also transformed to Jeonjang Kumiwoochi(戦場組討) of Minamoto Yomitomo(源賴朝)'s soldiers. Jusitsu(柔術) techniques of Gokujoku Kumiwoochi(小具足組討) was established by the war of Kamakura(鎌倉) Makboo(幕府) and Senkokoo(戦国) periods. The first thing to do was shooting a bow to the enemies in the distance place. The next thing was cutting off opponents bodies, and the last was coming to grappling through Jusitsu(柔術) technique to decide the victory or defeat this developed into various physical techniques such as art of fencing and Jusitsu(柔術).
Eleventh, Minamoto Yoritomo(源賴朝) treated as important things to practice military arts encouraged to do MookaSmo(相撲). It was the noticeable points that ancestor of Minamoto Yoritomo(源賴朝) was Sillasaburo Yosimich(源義光), and the ancestor of this family was Sillakyedoraein(新羅系渡來人). By reason of this, it considered to be affected to Koryu (古流) jujutsu(柔術) of Gokujoku(小具足) Kumiwoochi(戦場組討). Specially, it could be found that this military arts was progenitor of koryu(古流) jujutsu(柔術).
Twelfth, the basic techniques of koryu(古流) Daito-ryu jujutsu(柔術) existed even if there's some differences in naming such as Baekta(白打), Konbeub(拳法), Posu(浦手), Chisu(冣手), Whasul(和術), Sokusok(小具足), Ki(氣), Yohee(腰廻).
Thirteenth, he was called king of In, Cheonwhacheonwhang(清和天皇), kyungki(経基) Ryukson(六孫), and firstly he received the Minamoto(源) as a family name. especially, it was recorded that Minamoto Masanori(源正德) and Minamoto Masatasi(源正足) had family name of Won in Tenjinsinyouryu(天神真楊流) Gajeonseo(家全書). It was also recorded that they changed their sons name to palmantaerangeuga(八万太郎義家) to change their name change to Cheongwha Won(清和源氏) of Sekikujiryu(関口流).
Fourteenth, a symbol of Chang Po-go(張寶高)(Sillamyojin(新羅明神)) and that of Sillasamrangwoninkwang(新羅三郞源義光), Takeda Sinken(武田信玄), Daidoryuaikiuusitsu(大東流合氣柔術) had same pattern. Dakeda Sinken(武田信玄), a descendants of Sillasamrangwoneukwang(新羅三郞源義光), was famous for great general in the age of Warring States. He declared Sillasamrangwoneukwang(新羅三郞源義光) in battle flag. It regarded to be a solid ground that a symbol of Jeoksankoong(赤山宮) where set up Chang Po-go(張寶高)(Sillamyojin(新羅明神))'s mortuary tablet and that of Daito-ryu jujutsu(柔術) origin were same. Not only Dakeda sinken(武田信玄) also family of Minamoto(源) who established Gammakura(鎌倉) Makboo(幕府) were good at a mock cavalry battle. the people of Silla(新羅), ancestor of these people, were family line of an equestrian. Therefore Sillakyedoraein(新羅系渡來人) were also expert in a mock cavalry battle. this place was a habitation of Sillakyedoraein(新羅系渡來人) and there were Sansinkak(山神閣) of Sillasunsindang(新羅善神當) in Wonsangsa(園城寺) and a shrine of Sillasamrangwoneukwang(新羅三郞源義光), which was a typical form of grave at that time. Chawon(慈圓), Jwajoo(座主) of Cheontaejong write Mooja(武者) to Moosa pronounced in korean, in his literary work, Wookwangcho in the period that Gamakura Makboo was established.
Fifteenth, techniques of Daidoryu Jusitsu(柔術) were seen in koryu(古流) jujutsu(柔術) as looking into the Gachsika Hokusai(葛飾北齊)'s folk arts of chivalry. Through these, it could be known that the origin of koryu(古流) jujutsu(柔術) of japan was chivalry and the origin of that was Minamoto Yosimich(源義光). It was considered that subordinates of Minamoto Yoritomo(源賴朝) developed Jeonjang Kumiwoochi(戦場組討) of koryu(古流) jujutsu(柔術).
As shown above, it was proved that the origin of Daito-ryu jujutsu(柔術) was came from descendants of Chang Po-go(張寶高). Especially, the origin of Daito-ryu jujutsu(柔術) in koryu(古流) jujutsu(柔術) was Sillakyedoraein(新羅系渡來人), descendants of Chang Po-go(張寶高)(Sillamyojin(新羅明神)). And Sillakyedoraein(新羅系渡來人), descendants of Chang Po-go(張寶高)(Sillamyojin(新羅明神)) completed chivalry with principal and thought of koryu(古流) jujutsu(柔術) through physical culture. It should be investigated and analysed to restore the tradition of Daito-ryu jujutsu(柔術) from Chang Po-go(張寶高)(Sillamyojin(新羅明神)) in koryu(古流) jujutsu(柔術). Therefore, I would intend to inform a new sense of values about military arts to modern through looking into principal and thought of physical technique of Daito-ryu jujutsu(柔術). In addition, we have to solidify the mutual assistance system about military arts study in Korea, China, and Japan, and to find military arts of Moojeonka(武田家) and Sillasamrangwoneukwang(新羅三郞源義光), a descendants of Chang Po-go(張寶高)(Sillamyojin(新羅明神)), and lastly we have to take over and preserve it in the ideology of Onkojisin(溫故知新) and Beubkochangsin(法古創新). We should reproduce military arts of Sillakyedoraein(新羅系渡來人), descendant of Chang Po-go(張寶高)(Sillamyojin(新羅明神)) and establish the traditionality of that.
