혁신학교 지원재정 사용실태 분석 및 교직원 인식 연구 : 전라남도 무지개학교를 중심으로 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The purpose of this study is to analyze the actual use of funding for the operation of the Rainbow School, an innovation school in Jeollanam-do, and to explore how school personnels perceive the funding. To this end, the study first analyzed the areas...

The purpose of this study is to analyze the actual use of funding for the operation of the Rainbow School, an innovation school in Jeollanam-do, and to explore how school personnels perceive the funding. To this end, the study first analyzed the areas of educational practice of the Rainbow School to which the innovation school operation fund provided by the Jeollanam-do Office of Education in the 2015 school year has been applied by investigating 12 specific types and 5 categories of area. Second, with respect to the perception of the school personnels about the funding for the operation of innovation school (Rainbow School-Elementary School), the study investigated aspects such as the appropriateness of funding size, impact and need for funding, fairness in budget allocation among other regular schools, and autonomy and obstacles involved in implementing the fund at the school. In relation to the management of school account as a way for improving educational finance of innovation schools, the study also analyzed the direction of budget allocation of the school account (basic school operation expenses) as well as the scale of budget for (the ratio between) the basic school operation expenses and the essential business expenses. First, examining the actual use of supported fund for the operation of Rainbow School in five categories, it was found that the fund was most used for operating competence-oriented curriculum (50.9%) and was subsequently used for the following areas in the order as listed: establishing a support system oriented for the curriculum; forming a school culture based on respect and cooperation; building a cooperative relationship between the parents and the community; and other matters. Next, examining the actual use of supported fund in twelve specific types of area, it was found that the fund was most used for the formation and operation of distinctive curriculum (36.2%). The subsequent usage of funding was in the following types in the order as listed: implementing student learning-oriented classes; establishing curriculum-centered support system; building a professional learning community; activating student self-government; creating a school climate of communication and consideration; expanding the parents’ participation and cooperation in education; strengthening the accountability of curriculum operation; operating a democratic faculty and staff association; other areas; operating and streamlining a team in charge of faculty administrative work; and school education implemented along with the local community. As such, analysis results indicated that the Rainbow School is using the supported fund to accomplish the key initiatives for innovating school education, especially injecting the fund into ‘the operation of competence-oriented curriculum’ and specifically towards‘the formation and operation of distinctive curriculum’among such operation of competence-oriented curriculum. The following results were found from analyzing the perception of school personnels about the funding for the operation of Rainbow School. First, the Rainbow School personnels generally recognized the size of the supported fund to be appropriate. On the other hand, a minority of personnels responded that the size of the fund is either insufficient or large. These two groups of respondents respectively submitted opinions for approximately 20% increase and 20% reduction of the funding. Second, with respect to the impact of the funding on effective operation of the Rainbow School, it was indicated that the School is benefiting greatly from the fund. This is because the school personnels feel that the funding provides substantial assistance in the operation of innovation school as it works as a leverage for effective operation of the Rainbow School. Third, in regard to the need for a separate funding for the operation of the Rainbow School, it was found that the School is in desperate need of funding at the current level. This is because the school personnels recognize the need for funding as they use a separate supported fund for the school’s innovation every year. In consideration of these analysis results, continuous funding for the operation of the Rainbow School at the present level seems necessary pro tempore until the required finance can be covered by the school account (basic school operation expenses). Fourth, in reference to fairness in budget allocation among other general schools given the annual separate funding for the operation of innovation school (Rainbow School), it was found that the school personnels strongly perceive that the funding is appropriate as a differential financial support for school innovation. The funding was recognized as an appropriate differential financial support because the fund is indeed necessary for innovating the school education and the opportunity for such financial support is open to all schools as expansion and generalization of funding is undertaken every year. Fifth, it was found that the Rainbow School was highly autonomous in implementing the supported fund for the operation of the school. Unlike the budget allocated for essential businesses for which the range of use is limited to specific projects, the supported fund allowed the Rainbow School relatively autonomous authority over its execution. In this regard, it was indicated that the school personnels highly appreciated the autonomy and utility value of the supported fund for innovation school. Sixth, the obstacles involved in implementing the supported fund for the operation of Rainbow School tended to be dispersed rather than concentrated on specific factors. While listed obstacles included establishing plans for project operation and overloaded work, limitations in supported fund usage areas and strict control over following accounting regulations, teachers strongly responded that they did not experience any particular difficulties in implementing the fund. Thus, it was found that minimal restrictions in fund usage area and compliance to accounting regulations are inevitable for the achievement of goals and that it will be necessary to review ways for distributing duties and providing appropriate support in response to overloaded tasks. Seventh, in regard to the direction of budgeting school account (basic school operation expenses) compiled and implemented autonomously by the school for the effective operation of innovation school (Rainbow School), the majority of school personnels responded that it is necessary for the school to have a budget planning different from regular schools. In the future, the necessary budget for the operation of innovation school should also be reflected and allocated in the school account (basic school operation expenses). Eighth, in reference to the scale of budget for (the ratio between) the basic school operation and the essential business autonomously made up by the school in its account, the school personnels strongly responded that the budget for essential business should be reduced and the budget for basic school operation increased in order to expand autonomy in educational finance of innovation school (Rainbow School). The demand for autonomy in school accounting is expected to increase in the future among innovation schools where higher autonomy and accountability are increasingly required. Further research on standard education expenses of innovation schools is called for in response to these changes in schools.
