죽음을 주제로 한 그림책의 애도과정 분석과 치유성 연구 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

This research analyzes the healing and mourning represented in picture books and confirms the capability of picture book for mourning education. Mourning process regarding death is important because the death is unavoidable and is able to convey equivalent sorrow from various loss and grief in our life. However, most of the previous researches of picture book in the subject of death, dealt about understanding of death in author's perspective, analyzing stories of death, conception of death, or recognize of teachers regarding death study. But there are not much researches concerning mourning process through picture book. Therefore this research will deal the mourning process and the healing through picture book and analyze the effects and importances of picture book as the method of mourning. It is important that mourning not only relate to bereavement with loved ones, but also to the loss of life in the social community because death is associated with all loss in life. Therefore, sample pictures book were selected to analyze the picture book related to death and draw social mourning from individual mourning Among the picture books on the subject of death, the samples are picture books which deal with the details of the mourning process of living beings, and the picture books which revealed the symbol of recovery from the sorrow caused by social problems. The study will be done through the interaction of texts and drawing how the process of mourning in a picture book proceeds and has healing ability. The process in order to accomplish the objective of the research are as follows: First, establish the criteria of narrative element for analyzing the mourning process of a picture book. Second, analyze the process of mourning through the interaction of pictures and texts from the sample. Third, analyze the healing factors through the mourning process of the sample. Fourth, find out the healing characteristics of a picture book on the subject of death and prove that it is a suitable medium for the mourning process. The analytical yardstick was structured by applying the mourning theory of the psychoanalytic perspective. The process of mourning followed the order of emotional reaction, cognitive reaction, behavioral reaction, and recovering reaction. (Lee, Ran·Hyun, Eunja 2014) The emotional gushing of protagonists, who undergo the process of mourning of a picturebook on the death cognitive acceptance, active behavioral patterns of mourning, and the process of restoring to a healthy self are analyzed through dynamic interaction between narrative and painting. The result of research process from above are as follows: First, it can be seen that the meaning created by the interaction of the picture and text is an excellent medium for the mourning process. Second, the process of recovery from the emotional gushing of the characters who undergo the process of mourning, the cognitive acceptance, and active behavioral patterns of mourning that send out to the lost being in the picture book has shown the recovered self as consequence of the mourning process effects. Third, it can be seen that the psychological precautionary effect of death can be obtained through the indirect mourning process of the picture book. Fourth, it can be understood that the interaction between the picture and text is effective as a medium for social mourning. This study analyzed the mourning process and its healing ability in the picture book with the theme of death, and has shown the picture book is excellent medium of the mourning process. By recognizing importance and necessity of understanding personal to social mourning which can happen in our life, hopefully we can apply them to ourselves and to the people who need consolation, I wanted to convey that the process of mourning through picture book can be easily accessible media for condolence to the people who directly or indirectly experienced loss of near lifes.
