노무현 정부와 이명박 정부의 TV공익광고 비교 연구 : 주제, 표현전략, 소구유형 중심으로 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The role of 'public service advertising' comes to be more important through mass media, which allows the public to recognize sociocultural problems and to form attitudes to actively accepting them, in order to resolve social side effects caused by dra...

The role of 'public service advertising' comes to be more important through mass media, which allows the public to recognize sociocultural problems and to form attitudes to actively accepting them, in order to resolve social side effects caused by dramatic economic and scientific developments. The characteristics of the public service advertising combining public interests and PR have a sufficient condition to be analysis data for social problems raised by and policy orientations pursued by the contemporary government, an 'advertiser'. Therefore, it aims to examine differences in communications with the public through TV public service advertising between two governments: Rho Moo-hyun and Lee Myung-bak administrations between which sociocultural backgrounds depending on the change of regime were most acutely contrasted by the 21th century. This study raises some questions: 'what are differences in topics of public messages appearing on TV public service advertising between Rho and Lee administration?' for understanding purposes of the public service advertising as a government's measure of communications with the public and examining how social context and policy issue are reflected by the public service advertising, by dividing message topics; and 'what are differences in creative strategies of message in TV public service advertising between Rho and Lee administration?' and 'what are differences in message appeal types in TV public service advertising between Rho and Lee administration?' under the recognition that the creative strategies of messages including linguistic and visual factors of TV public service advertising can act as important variables for determining effects of public service advertising, in that it communicate with receivers through an audiovisual medium of TV. A total of 78 pieces of TV public service advertising produced and broadcasted by Kobaco during Rho(n=31, 2003-2007) and Lee administration(n=47, 2008-2012) are sampled and the category of advertising message topic is divided into five sub-topics: natural environment, social community, home/adolescents, public health/welfare and economy/society. As the 'category of creative strategy', only 7 strategy items are abstracted from 10 types of advertising creative strategies of Simon: Information, Motivation with psychological appeals, Repeated assertion, Command, Brand familiarisation, Symbolic assertion and argument. The 'category of appeal type' includes Kotler's Rational, Emotional, Positive and Negative appeal, and additionally, Humor and Threat appeal. An analysis of message topics in TV public service advertising shows that use frequencies of topics related with 'natural environment' and 'home and adolescents' were higher in the Rho administration, while those related with 'social community', 'public health and welfare' and 'economy and society' were higher in the Lee administration. Both governments most frequently used the message topics regarding 'social community'. However, the difference in use of topics by each government is not significant, suggesting that changes of ideologies or policies have no effects on topics of the public service advertising. A comparative analysis of creative strategies in TV public service advertising shows that both governments often used 'symbolic assertion' and 'motivation with psychological appeals'. The Lee administration relatively favors 'repeated assertion' and 'argument'. However, there are no significant differences in the creative strategies of TV public service advertising, between two governments. A comparative analysis of appeal types shows that both governments often used 'emotional appeal' and 'positive appeal'. The Rho administration more often used 'rational appeal' and 'humor appeal', while use of 'negative appeal' was dramatically increased in the Lee administration. However, the differences in appeal types of TV public service advertising are not found to be significant. The findings show that the public service advertising is affected by factors necessary for historic and social situations and cultural backgrounds which have been changed in the 21th century have more effects, rather than by political identity and characteristics of each government, since there seem to be no significant differences in all message topics, creative strategies and appeal types of TV public service advertising produced and broadcasted during the Rho and Lee administration. In conclusion, future studies should be extended to comprehensively consider short interval between periods of two administrations and Kobaco's project and administrative influences in the productions of public service advertising.
