축제참여의 마음챙김이 정서적 연대와 장소애착에 미치는 영향(2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

This study began with the following two points. Becouse of similarity of geographical location and climate, local festivals have similar characteristics using the same or similar contents in different regions, but the festival participants do not have...

This study began with the following two points. Becouse of similarity of geographical location and climate, local festivals have similar characteristics using the same or similar contents in different regions, but the festival participants do not have the same the intention about revisit. and Most of the studies on festival effects are focused only on economic effects. Because festivals are premised on interaction, people come together in a special space. So people and places are very important. In other words, the interaction through festival participation has interaction with people and interaction with place. Emotional solidarity can be formed through interaction with people. And place attachment can be formed by interaction with place. This emotional solidarity and place attachment has a potential to form positive relationships such as satisfaction, revisit, and recommendation. However, previous research on the relationship between festival participation, emotional solidarity and place attachment is implicit rather than explicit. In addition, many studies on festivals have focused on economic effects that are easy to measure and have clear measurement results. But Studies on socio-cultural effects through festivals are limited to difficulties in measurement methods and ambiguity of measurement results. Socio-cultural effects through festivals can encourage local residents to establish their local identity and create a consensus among local residents and festival visitors to promote exchanges between local communities and local communities. Therefore, it is necessary to study the Socio-cultural effects of festivals in order to raise local sustainability. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to find out the theoretical expansion of the festival studies by empirically identifying the following four research problems. First, is mindfulness, emotional solidarity, and place attachment a structural and influential relationship to each other? Second, is there a difference in the structural influences according to the degree of mindfulness formation? Third, is there any difference in the level of mindfulness formation according to the type of information acquisition? Fourth, is there any difference in the degree of mindfulness, emotional solidarity, and place attachment according to the characteristics of festival participants? The following conclusions and implications were derived from the literature review and the empirical research. First, in the structural relationship that leads to mindfulness - emotional solidarity - place attachment, mindfulness directly or indirectly affects place attachment. In other words, mindfulness is an independent variable and place attachment is a dependent variable. In addition, the direct influence of mindfulness on place attachment is low and the indirect influence is relatively high. Therefore, emotional solidarity plays a role of a mediate variable that connects independent and dependent variables. Also, it is confirmed that mindfulness and emotional solidarity are the predisposing variables to form place attachment in festival. In conclusion, participation in festivals with mindfulness affects emotional solidarity and place attachment, so that mindfulness for festivals should be formed. Second, there is a difference in the structural influences between mindfulness, emotional solidarity, and place attachment according to degree of mindfulness formation. Overall, participants with high level of mindfulness formation had a high influence on all structural influences. Participants with a high degree of mindfulness formation are wondering what is happening in the current environment and are sensitive to the situation to strengthen effective communication between themselves and their situation. This is because the positive emotional state of the festival affects the emotional state of the other person positively through the interaction with other participants, so that it can lead to intimate exchanges among the participants, and the attachment to the region can be enhanced or strengthened. Therefore, for the sustainability of the festival, it is necessary to increase the degree of the formation of mindfulness before participating in the festival. Third, the degree of formation of mindfulness is influenced by information acquisition type. Many festival participants acquire information about festivals through their acquaintances. However, the information acquired through acquaintance is rough information about the festival. The approximate information of the festival is limited to form the mindfulness of the festival. On the other hand, there is a lot of information about the festival on the agency web-site. By giving enough information about festivals to participants who are interested in festivals, they can form mindfulness about festivals. Therefore, in order to form mindfulness that can affect emotional solidarity and place attachment, it is necessary to provide sophisticated and diverse information about the festival. Fourth, there are differences in the degree of mindfulness, emotional solidarity, and place attachment depending on the types of participation decision, participation frequency, and residence. In order to make the festival participants feel the sense of place of the region through the festival, it is necessary to provide a program that can directly participate in the festival by reflecting the local culture. and In order to increase the sustainability of the region in the long term, it is necessary to emphasize the social and cultural effects, and to make festivals led by local residents. Despite the limitations of research, the results of this study suggest that emotional solidarity and place attachment can be formed through festival participation, the process of consciousness about festival before festival participation can form or strengthen emotional solidarity and place attachment. Keywords : Festival, Mindfulness, Emotional solidarity, Place attachment, Socio-cultural effects
