특수층 미술교육의 사례분석 연구 : 노년기와 장애우를 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

This study relates to art education ‘outside school,’ i.e. one that is not provided by regular school education, especially regarding art education for special groups in the field of culture and art education that is recently expanding as part of ...

This study relates to art education ‘outside school,’ i.e. one that is not provided by regular school education, especially regarding art education for special groups in the field of culture and art education that is recently expanding as part of lifelong education. Among various fields of special art education that is currently provided in South Korea, this study focused on art education for the elderly and students with hearing impairment, developmental, physical, psychological, and pathological disorders and those with autism spectrum disorders, and included art education for students with other disabilities (bipolar disorder, polio myelitis). Based on my own experience in the relevant art education, in this study, I analyzed results related to the education experience by group and proposed a method to activate art education for people that are generally isolated from the lifelong education. First, South Korea is soon to become an aged society (from 2018), as the proportion of the elderly population is rapidly increasing, and likely to turn into a super-aged nation. As a result, the values held by the elderly are changing in different aspects. However, the current measures taken in response to aging of the society are mostly focused on ensuring the right to life of the elderly and, therefore, have revealed many problems. Social participation of the elderly varies widely in field, from economic activities to earn income to political activities and volunteer work, as well as education and leisure activities that are intended to provide quality of life during the old age. The purpose and necessity of this study lies in analyzing the latter, i.e., education experience that is found in various fields of social activities performed by the elderly. Next, in this study, I examined the current status of art education as part of lifelong education for students with disabilities provided outside school, especially regarding art education for students with hearing impairment, autism spectrum disorders, and other disabilities (bipolar disorder, polio myelitis), based on my own experience in education. Also, the study proposed a method to activate the relevant art education in the future. Many students with disabilities hope to talk about and enjoy their lives through education. In other words, they have similar interest in their society and surroundings, but are reluctant to reveal their stories that are different from other people, although they hope to find motivation and communicate with others through certain media. In this process, art education provide the most suitable tool of education that can help the students share their stories and communicate with others as well as enjoy aesthetic values and therapeutic effects of art education. This study largely consists of five sections: first, it discussed culture and art education in lifelong education and the current status of culture and art education for special groups, and analyzed general psychological characteristics of the elderly based on characteristics of the old age and aging society and characteristics of art activities and self-expression of the elderly. And then, it looked into characteristics of people with hearing impairment and autism spectrum disorders, and self-expression and psychology of people with bipolar disorder or polio myelitis based on previous research. Second, as the core part of this study, based on my experience, I proposed the result and analysis of the education experience by group. To do so, first, I divided the art education experience of the elderly into cases related to individual instruction and those related to group instruction, and proposed the relevant cases and alternatives. Third, I analyzed the cases of art education for students with hearing impairment and proposed the relevant alternative. Fourth, I analyzed the cases of art education for students with autism spectrum disorders and proposed the relevant alternative. Fifth, I analyzed the cases of art education for students with other disabilities (bipolar disorder, polio myelitis) and proposed a direction for future research. The findings in this study suggest painting and communication can help improve the quality of life and satisfy the desire for self-actualization of the elderly. Also, the study shows that non-verbal art instruction allows students with hearing impairment to improve self-confidence and autonomy, thereby, expanding self-expression and changing their withdrawn character. Regarding students with autism spectrum disorders, the scope of subjects they expressed in their paintings expanded, proving the therapeutic effects of art education. In addition, through art education, students with bipolar disorder and polio myelitis were able to express themselves in a calm state of mind, as opposed to the usual anxious state of mind, and showed the psychological therapeutic effects of art education, as their attitude changed from being withdrawn and passive to being more open and active. hope art education for the elderly and students with hearing impairment, autism spectrum disorders, and other disabilities (bipolar disorder, polio myelitis) will expanded beyond being a mere subject of research into the actual field of education based on cooperation and effort of educational institutions.
