공업계 고등학교 기계과 교사의 직업정체성 형성에 관한 생애사 연구 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The purpose of this study is to investigate the personal and social factors influencing the formation of the vocational identity formed through the reflection of the major experience as the teacher through the life history of the technical high school...

The purpose of this study is to investigate the personal and social factors influencing the formation of the vocational identity formed through the reflection of the major experience as the teacher through the life history of the technical high school. In this study, the following research problems were set up. First, what are the major experiences experienced as an technical high school mechanical education teacher? Second, what kind of vocational identity did the technical high school mechanics teacher in the industry make? Third, what are the personal and social factors that affected the formation of occupational identity? In order to achieve the purpose of this study, two technical high school mechanical and career teachers were selected as research participants and in-depth interviews were conducted with them. The data obtained through the in-depth interviews were analyzed through six steps. In the analysis process, researchers' observations, memos, teacher's memorandums of the participants, various awards records, and press articles were used as supporting data. The results of this study are as follows. There are six major experiences of the participants as a mechanical teacher. The experience of trying to train the specialist of precision machining in the beginning, experience as a skill competition team teacher, experience of innovating public education by introducing new industry field, experience of constantly learning about new field and sharing with colleagues, experience in the rapid change of the status of technical high school, maintenance of the practice field, and experience in the prevention of students' safety accidents. Through these educational experiences, research participants were forming a career identity as a mechanical teacher. The identity formation process of the research participants is as follows: ①identity drifting phase which is not able to constitute the professional identity of the teacher but drifting with the surrounding environment and situation ②identity stability stage which learns and accumulates the ability of the subject personally ③transition stage of the teacher role ④suspended stage to preserve identity as a mechanical teacher for promotion ⑤identification sublimation stage that seeks to share the knowledge of oneself and share the knowledge of education after frustration of promotion ⑥identification of the true meaning of the teacher, and integration of the identity that integrates the life of the teacher as given to him. Through each of the six steps, his identity was formed, strengthened and changed at each stage. The personal and social factors influencing the formation of the career identity of the research participants are the individual factors influencing the formation of the identity of research participants are positive and negative experiences at the beginning of entry, personal orientation such as individual curiosity and consideration, human relationships between peers and students, and decisive encounters that changed the direction of life. Social factors influencing the formation of the participants' identities are government policies on vocational and technical high schools, changes in the level of technical high school students, and different school culture. The participants of this study worked as industrial high school teachers for nearly 40 years and did their best to educate students and to make efforts for school and education development. The key words expressing the lives of research participants identified through this study are ‘commitment’ to education and students. The personal background, area of interest, and outcome of life in the two research participants were somewhat different but consistent. It has always placed its purpose in the growth and happiness of students in educational activities. The research participants had the belief that "there is a teacher because there is a student". The educational activities performed by the research participants were made for the growth and happiness of the students. The implications of this study are as follows. The identity and existence of the technical high school, which has been extensively externalized to external values such as education for qualification and employment. It is time to look for inherent values that are in the high school education itself. The meaning of this study is to understand the life of the technical high school teachers and to have an opportunity to reflect on their own teaching and their identity and as well to find out the essence of technical high school education.

참고문헌 (Reference)

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