맥락적 학습모형에 의한 어린이 관람객의 박물관 학습경험 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

Falk and Dierking(2007) described the experience of museum visitors as the contextual model of learning from the interaction of personal, physical and sociocultural contexts; museum learning is the process and result of the interaction among these thr...

Falk and Dierking(2007) described the experience of museum visitors as the contextual model of learning from the interaction of personal, physical and sociocultural contexts; museum learning is the process and result of the interaction among these three contexts. Therefore, the purpose of this study was set to analyze the museum experience of children visitors according to the contextual model of learning by Falk and Dierking and explore whether each child had meaningful learning experience. Conducted by employing case study methods, this study incorporated quantitative research on the qualitative spectator research to enhance reliability and validity. Using test results for multiple intelligence and learning style, 8 first graders were selected and tracked with video cameras while they spectated the museum. Based on the footage, their route, times spent and speech were recorded and analyzed as data for the study and interviews were conducted before and after museum visits to be utilized as data for the analysis. Regarding the children’s motive and expectations for museum visit, previous museum experiences, multiple intelligence, and learning style as personal contexts, physical contexts such as exhibition environment and exhibitions and sociocultural context such as the interaction between children and their guardians were examined. The results of children’s museum experiences analyzed in the contextual model of learning by case are shown below. First, in terms of personal context, children’s museum experience varied depending on previous museum experience. Children with low visit frequencies were unfamiliar with the exhibition environment and tended to wander around the museum, displaying passive behavioral pattern such as watching other visitors. In the interview, they stated their visit to the museum was a difficult experience. On the other hand, children with high visit frequencies were spectating the exhibition area in self-directed manner, but each of them displayed unique spectating method. One selectively viewed the exhibitions according to its interest, and another meticulously viewed all exhibitions. Both were highly satisfied with their experience as they spectated according to their expectations. Second, in terms of physical context, children’s museum experiences formed in reflection of the result of the interaction between the characteristics of the exhibition environment and exhibitions and multiple intelligence. Children spectated the museum according to their disposition of multiple intelligence but displayed different levels of satisfaction. Children with high physical-motor intelligence actively roamed around the entire exhibition areas and spent a lot of time on manipulative exhibitions, but their lively behavior was restrained by the museum personnel and criticized by their guardians. Consequently, they were dejected about their museum experience and lost initiative and confidence. Children with high spatial intelligence spent more time on drawing exhibitions and were generally satisfied with the activities, but disappointed about the small activity area. Children with high linguistic intelligence preferred linguistic exhibitions and were generally satisfied about exhibitions based on storytelling. Third, in terms of sociocultural context, children interacted with their friends and guardians to strengthen their museum experience. Cooperative children wholly interacted with other children their age while spectating the museum, and in the process, displayed prosocial behavior. They were unsatisfactory about not being able to be with their friends but satisfactory about the overall museum experience. Children with cooperative and dependent disposition displayed strong interaction with their guardians. They continuously asked questions for answers, and the guardians encouraged children to find their own ways for spectating and provided positive feedbacks and praise. The children were satisfied about their museum experience, especially with help from their guardians. For the duration of museum visit, children’s museum experience is composed in diverse and complex format through personal, physical and sociocultural contexts. The complex experience based on three contexts is mixed and overlapped to influence the children. From constructive perspective, these interactions are a form of children composing meanings and the situations themselves become a learning experience. Children’s learning experience forming while spectating the museum and the level of satisfaction from the result manifest in multitude. Therefore, it is important to devise means to connect the three contexts with museum experiences to encourage self-directed spectating. Detailed programs and materials shall be developed to reflect the characteristics of children on the spectating process and it is recommended to provide orientations to alleviate any confusion and difficulties faced by children and to enhance adaptability to unfamiliar environments. It is also important to provide opportunities to promote interaction with other spectators to gather help in learning and sentimental side. To meet the variety of expectations and demands of the spectators, museums shall reflect these findings and prepare systematic and diversified spectating plans. Moreover, if follow up researches on learning experiences of children visitors in multiple angles will assist in elevating the effectiveness and value of museum education.
