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상황학습이론을 적용한 시각매체 활용 디자인 교육 프로그램 개발 연구 : 중학교를 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

This thesis aims to develop, by applying the situated learning theory, a design education program utilizing visual media and apply it to middle school students, thereby promoting their competence to recognize problems in situations that arise in real ...

This thesis aims to develop, by applying the situated learning theory, a design education program utilizing visual media and apply it to middle school students, thereby promoting their competence to recognize problems in situations that arise in real life and to solve those problems in a creative way. For this, a design education program utilizing situations encountered in our daily life was developed, with the hope of providing an opportunity for meaningful and valuable education for students. Chapter 2 studies the concept and characteristics of the situated learning theory, and, through an analysis of a middle school art textbook revised in 2009 and a survey conducted on middle school art teachers, analyzes the current state of education as well as examining the need of a situation-linked learning for design education utilizing visual media. The results of analyzing the survey conducted on current teachers showed that there was a need to develop a program that enables experiences applying various situations during class. In addition, education that fosters students’ competency is emphasized not only in the 2009 Revised Curriculum but also in the 2015 Revised Curriculum scheduled to be implemented in the year 2018. This certainly indicated a need of design education that allows the learner to be self-directed in autonomously acquiring necessary information for problem-solving, to creatively express their own ideas and feelings, and to communicate using visual media. Chapter 3, in order to foster the students’ competency based on the necessity presented in Chapter 2, combines instructional methods with key competencies, transforming them to suit each of the three programs presented in this thesis. According to this, the instructional design and model were reconstructed, followed by development and application of the program. Based on this, the following programs were developed : “An Advertisement Flyer Design Program Using Broadcast Media Implemented through Real-Life Participation”, “A CI Design Program Using Scenarios and Photographic Media Implemented through Role Playing”, and “A Package Design Program Using Advertising Media Implemented through Sociocultural Campaigns.” The results of applying the programs showed the learners’ attitude of actively participating in situations, taking the initiative to lead the learning process, and confirmed that the program was an opportunity for the learners to learn in way that allows them to link together art and daily life situations. Chapter 4, based on the results of analyzing the activity in Chapter 3, confirms whether design education classes utilizing visual media linked with daily life situations is useful and has educational value for students, while deducing the educational effectiveness of this program and a strategy for its activation. The educational effectiveness confirmed through the application of the developed program is as follows. First, it provided an educational opportunity to improve the level of understanding of visual media as well as the ability to engage in aesthetic expression activities. We may say that it improved the students’ ability to realize visual images relevant to the situation using their own method of expression. Second, it helped increase creative-thinking skills and problem-solving abilities. Third, it aroused learner interest by actively utilizing a wide variety of media and promoted an integrated thought process that links knowledge learned in class with daily life, thereby enhancing the students’ independent perception of visual media. In order for the program presented in this thesis to be consistently utilized, there is a need for an activation plan that provides learners with learning opportunities that allow actual participation in situations, as well as devising a way to expand collaborative learning centered on convergence, integration, and linkage that facilitates interaction. Moreover, in accordance with these learning methods, teachers should consistently provide learners with feedback and prepare evaluation standards according to the situation at hand. As visual media are being established as a major aspect of our daily life, art education should also change in the direction of promoting the students’ potential to acquire on their own a variety of visual information and reconstruct it according to the situation. As can be seen, this study suggests the necessity of design education utilizing visual media that applies the situated learning theory and has sought various ways to activate it. I hope it assists in enhancing the visual literacy of students, developing creative problem-solving abilities, and preparing opportunities for education that promotes critical acceptance and consumption of culture, education that creates culture.
