지역의 문화마케팅이 브랜드이미지와 관계지속의도에 미치는 영향 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

As the modern lifestyle is standardized and popular, tourists wish to experience unique living cultures of different regions, and their preference is shifting from static sightseeing to dynamic experience-based tourism. Following this change of flow, ...

As the modern lifestyle is standardized and popular, tourists wish to experience unique living cultures of different regions, and their preference is shifting from static sightseeing to dynamic experience-based tourism. Following this change of flow, local communities needed new marketing strategies, and Regional Cultural Marketing Strategy is what has come to the fore. Regional Cultural Marketing increases the region’s asset value by using products created through certain region’s tangible and intangible cultural assets as resources and creating and commercializing the regional image and facilities that tourists want in cooperation with members of the community. Smooth communication relationship is being devised through utilizing cultural value, by improving brand image along with making use of culture and art. Therefore, to elevate academic values, this study aims to examine local government’s cultural marketing strategy, and also discover the influence relation between brand image and the intention of maintaining the relation. Furthermore, this study tries to provide sources to the establishment of local government’s cultural marketing strategy later on, by running an empirical analysis on local government’s cultural marketing strategy. The result of this study is as follows. After exploratory factor analysis on each study variables, regional cultural marketing strategy could be subdivided into three categories: cultural support, cultural directing and cultural promotion. Also, brand image was classified into emotional image and cognitive image. Lastly, the intention of maintaining the relation was divided into intention of reuse and positive intention of oral transmission. The multiple regression analysis conducted to discover the influence relation between cultural marketing and brand image showed that cultural marketing had a positive impact on brand image. The order of the most influential to the least was cultural support, cultural directing and cultural promotion. In addition, showed that cultural marketing positively affected the intention of maintaining the relation. The intention of reuse was influenced by cultural support, cultural directing and cultural promotion in the order of the amount of influence. However, the results of cultural directing and cultural promotion were not statistically significant. Positive intention of oral transmission was influenced by cultural directing, cultural support and cultural promotion in the order of the amount of influence. Hypothesis testing on the relationship between brand image and the intention of maintaining the relation showed that brand image had a positive impact on the intention of maintaining the relation. Also, hypothesis testing on the relationship between cultural marketing (cultural support, cultural directing and cultural promotion), brand image (emotional and cognitive), and the intention of maintaining the relation(intention of reuse and positive intention of oral transmission) revealed that all factors give positive influence. Therefore, all hypotheses were adopted. The implication of this study is as follows. Firstly, detailed execution plan should be implemented and goals must be clarified to implement regional cultural marketing strategy. This is because the performance evaluation of cultural marketing strategy is difficult due to the fact that the strategy and cultural art together are utilized for the benefits of the communities and to strengthen community sentiment unlike the evaluation of sales promotion and profit seeking activities of the companies. Secondly, among cultural marketing strategies, cultural support and cultural directing were shown to give positive effects on brand image. Regional cultural marketing strategy plays an important role in establishing a cultural identity by shedding light on cultures with local traditions as well as systematizing and developing the cultures into cultural items. Also, cultural marketing strategy can contribute to the enhancement of regional image by instilling positive images of the region to the consumers. Thirdly, cultural marketing (cultural support, cultural directing and cultural promotion) and brand image (emotional and cognitive) plays a positive role in boosting visitor’s satisfaction. Continuous efforts in elevating visitor’s satisfaction is needed. This can be done by creating a brand image through commercializing a region’s intrinsic value and regional brand image to increase regional value, and also implementing cultural marketing to create a brand image. To analyze the influence of different regional cultural marketing strategy types, this study selected specific regions for case study subjects and surveyed people who had the experience of regional cultural marketing. However, because this study had a limited scope of some specific regions, there were limitations in drawing various study results. Therefore, comparative studies should be conducted through regional case studies later on. Also, additional studies must be conducted including various types of study models and variables to carry out an in-depth measurement of the effect of cultural marketing.
