가족친화제도의 유용성 지각이 일-삶의 균형과 조직 유효성에 미치는 영향 연구 : 일-생활의 통합과 분리 성향의 조절효과 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The purpose of introducing a family-friendly system is to achieve work-life balance(WLB) by mitigating the tension and conflicts that workers feel between work and family. This system is introduced with the expectation that it positively affects organ...

The purpose of introducing a family-friendly system is to achieve work-life balance(WLB) by mitigating the tension and conflicts that workers feel between work and family. This system is introduced with the expectation that it positively affects organizational results from the standpoint of the organization. In 2007, the "Act on the Promotion of Family-friendly Social Environment" was enacted, and a practical discussion on the family-friendly system was started in Korea. Domestic researches on this subject generally include the necessity of the family-friendly system and the overall employment policy Research on the relationship between work and family conflicts, research on institutional effectiveness and organizational performance. In addition, research on organizational culture and the relationship between work-life balance have been carried out. Research has shown that indirect work-related performance can be improved through reduction of stress or improvement in loyalty of workers and balance in work and family life most of the research is that a number of organizational dimensions to this also represents a somewhat mixed results. This study suggests that there is a difference in the use and usefulness of the system because individual workers can differentiate according to their individual values, and the personal characteristics and attitudes of the employees influence the harmony between work and life Respectively. We define this as a personal variable called perceived usefulness of the family -friendly system. And, while the family-friendly policy tries to create an environment in which work and life are compatible, attempts to integrate the two areas may make the process of coordinating work and life more difficult by blurring the boundaries of the two areas. In addition, as Border Theory argues that strong boundaries can increase work-family balance in the case of two different areas, it is suggested that an individual may use the work-family balance and organizational effectiveness This study was carried out with the expectation that there will be two trends in which the area of life is viewed integrally and separately. Therefore, this study examined how the perceived usefulness and personal characteristics of the family-friendly system affect the degree of work-life balance and the effectiveness of the organization. And the individual tendency of integration or separation of work and life was analyzed as a moderating effect on the above contents and it was done as a study to examine the family friendly system currently being implemented by local governments, financial institutions and large corporations from the point of view of users. The empirical results of this are summarized as follows. First, the perceived usefulness of worker's family-friendly system and perception of work-life balance were significantly positive. In other words, the more workers perceived the usefulness of the family-friendly system in the company, the more positive perception of work-life balance was. Second, the perceived usability of the family-friendly system of workers has a positive(/) relationship with job satisfaction and organizational commitment. However, the flexible work system, child-rearing and education, and support for dependent family did not have significant effects on job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Third, in the relationship between perceived usefulness and turnover intention of the family-friendly system of workers, flexible working system, child-rearing and education/ support family support system is the opposite of Hypothesis based on existing research. And the other systems showed no significant relationship. Fourth, regarding the individual characteristics of the worker(sex, marital status, dual income, dependents' presence) and work-life balance perception, married persons were analyzed positively(/) in relation to work, And the other characteristics were not significant. In addition, among the individual characteristics of the workers, the workers with dependents had a significant negative effect on job satisfaction, and the dual income had a positive(/) effect on the organizational commitment against the hypothesis. And the other characteristics showed no significant influence on organizational commitment, and there was no significant relationship in terms of turnover intention. This result, unlike the initial introduction of the system which limited the beneficiaries of the family-friendly system to women with children or couple -earners based on the assumption that the individual characteristics of workers would affect the work-life balance perception and organizational effectiveness This suggests that the current system is reflecting the desires of various members as they are settled. Fifth, this study investigated if work-life integration status had any regulation effect regarding system usefulness recognition, work-life balance perception and organizational effectiveness. As a result, only the worker support system was found to aggravate job satisfaction while the other factors of work-life balance, organizational commitment, and turnover intention showed no significant regulation effect. Sixth, any regulation effect of work-life integration status was analyzed on workers’ individual characteristics, work-life balance perception and organizational effectiveness. As a result, significant negative correlation was found between among dependent family member existence and job satisfaction; and between gender and organizational commitment. This finding indicates that, as stated in the hypothesis, dependent family member works as a cause aggravating job satisfaction due to work-life integration; and, in female workers, it worked as a factor weakening organizational commitment. No significant regulation effect was found in relationship in the rest of the individual characteristics, work-life balance perception and organizational effectiveness. This finding indicates little regulation effect in general unlike the hypothesis assuming that family friendly system supporting work-life integration would further disturb the work-life coordination process. It is deemed that, the workers were well coordinating their work and life and striking an appropriate balance without receiving negative effect on their work-life balance as well as organizational performance because of work-life interference and encroachment caused by work-life integration. However, it can be seen that, in the case of women with dependents among the individual characteristics, they still receive the role pressure due to the integration of work and living. In this study, it was found that the effects of flexible working system, childbirth care, education, and dependent family support system, which are sub-factors of family friendly system, were not significantly different from previous studies. This is a study to confirm that there is a difference in the use and usefulness of individual family-friendly systems, and further research is needed to check whether there are any factors that hinder usability.
