한국형 自生的 테러리즘에 대한 專門家 認識 연구 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

Since the September 11 attacks in the early 2000s, the international community has faced a new phase of terrorism. The emergence of New Terrorism which arose as the result of the change of international situation such as the end of the Cold War was di...

Since the September 11 attacks in the early 2000s, the international community has faced a new phase of terrorism. The emergence of New Terrorism which arose as the result of the change of international situation such as the end of the Cold War was differ from Old Terrorism where own political will had been achieved by kidnappings or assassinations of key figures. New Terrorism refers to terrorism in which extremists commit to for their own purpose in contrast with the traditional terrorism. This study started from the interest about Homegrown Terrorism, a type of New Terrorism which has taken place frequently throughout the world in recent years. As Homegrown Terrorism has become an international problem, the movement to find out countermeasures has also been actively carried out especially in Western countries. Although Korea rarely has been directly targeted by Homegrown Terrorism so far, it has been included on the list of countries as one of US allies by IS, the Islamic extremist terrorist groups, which has recently committed a number of terrorist acts all around the world. The possibility of Homegrown Terrorism in Korea has also increased due to increase of multi-cultural families, the influx of North Korean refugees, the number of foreign laborers and comparative deprivation caused by economic instability which influences higher dissatisfaction to society. The purpose of this study is to analyze the perception of professionals toward Homegrown Terrorism in Korea. The result of the analysis shows that domestic experts have recognized that there is a possibility of Homegrown Terrorism at any time even though it is not a threatening level. As a result of the survey regarding the reasons of Homegrown Terrorism, it is more likely to be caused by social conflict than political or economic factors. However, experts have considered that it can be caused by various reasons such as political, ideological and social as well as economic reasons. They concerned that the people, specifically younger generation who are dissatisfied with various social problems such as increased polarization due to the economic recession, individualism and intensified competition, may possibly express their anger in a violent way. The results of the analysis in regard of the countermeasures to the threat of Homegrown Terrorism are as follows. First, as responding to Homegrown Terrorism is important when it occurs, it is more necessary to make social efforts to prevent it. As the result of analysis shows, the potential subjects who may cause Homegrown Terrorist included Islamic workers, North Korean refugees, the second generation from multi-cultural families, and immigrants from China and Southeast Asia. Most of them have been discriminated against while working in jobs that many Korean people avoids. Moreover, in case of immigrants and foreign workers, their complaints have been piled up as most of them have illegally entered the country and have endured unfair working conditions. In case of the second generations from multi-cultural families, although they are similar to Korean in regards to cultural dimension, they might feel isolated or prejudiced from the society due to their different appearance. Even though Korean government is implementing various welfare policies for multi-cultural families, there is still a lack of social awareness. Thus, it is as essential to make effort on understanding multiculturalism and forming a social consensus on a society level as to improve the policy on terrorism. Second, Homegrown Terrorism is performed by a terrorist organization in the form of a dotted group rather than a vertical system group, or by a lonely wolf-type terrorist. Due to these characteristics of Homegrown Terrorism, terrorist organizations are providing terrorist training programs in English through video and PDF files, which spreads out all over the world via Internet. If Homegrown Terrorism takes place in Korea, explosives or cyber terrorism are likely to happen. As can be seen from Boston terror attack, through video learning, terrorists can improvise bombs with objects they can easily get. This case can be applied to domestic situations where the Internet is commonly used. People who feel isolated from their community can lead to terrorism by obtaining information about bomb recipe through search engines. Therefore, the organizations against terrorism should improve the systematic monitoring function within the network by detecting or blocking certain harmful websites to make it impossible to get such information online. Third, despite the Anti-Terrorism Act that was passed, most of the experts as well as government officials were pessimistic about whether appropriate action can be operated when in actual terror attacks. This is sufficiently predictable in light of the past experience where appropriate responses were not made when a national crisis occurred. The National Intelligence Service is currently collecting information relevant to terrorism, tapping suspected terrorists and collecting communications records. Police is also required to respond to terrorism. However, main institutions and the control tower that should play a pivotal role are not specified in case of an actual terror attack. As can be seen in the United States, the United Kingdom, and France, it is impossible to appropriately respond to terror attacks without close cooperation between prosecution, police and intelligence agencies. As the analysis of overseas cases shows, the revision of the law can be a way of policy improvement which enable effective operation of the organizations which should play a central roles in terrorism in terms of coordination systems. With reference to overseas cases that have been responding to domestic and international terrorist organizations for decades ahead of us, building a cooperation system that effectively copes with the crisis through amendment of the Anti-Terror Law in Korea should be established. Therefore, this study is significant in that it is timely appropriate considering an increase of threats of Homegrown Terrorism and lack of political discussion. It is obvious that Korea has responded quite passively to terror threats with a few serious consideration of terrorism in spite of its experience of witnessing the western countries of which damages from the collapse of buildings all over the world in 9/11 terrorist attacks was followed by attacks on Afghanistan. Korea should perceive that it is no longer safe from the risk of Homegrown Terrorism and should achieve social cooperation for prevention along with the political discussion such as the establishment of the specialized agency of terrorism and joint operation system between the government departments.
