한국에서의 복지경찰 도입에 관한 법·제도적 연구 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

There is a trend of modern citizens who require 21st century police officers to provide a more active service than the passive role of the past. Therefore, the police, through an order for the prevention of passive danger and unauthoritative methods u...

There is a trend of modern citizens who require 21st century police officers to provide a more active service than the passive role of the past. Therefore, the police, through an order for the prevention of passive danger and unauthoritative methods unlike command and coercion broaden the necessity of this police goal. In company with this trend, the citizens are requesting for police intervention with the service of non-authoritative measures as a basic requirement. In other words, as the world moves towards a more administrative and welfare country, the police should keep this welfare service in mind.
Although within the police organization, security services have been done under this large concept of ‘welfare’, it is faced with practical difficulties. The necessity of the welfare has been claimed during their work, the understanding of ‘welfare police’ and the professionalism of the idea are in the state of shortage. Also, the term ‘welfare’ cannot be found anywhere in the Korean police system. The function and role are expanding without an exact definition or concept and no service guide. Hence, as the civic action’s importance increases for police activity, police work and policy should be changed, and a deep discussion which can address the expanded welfare work professionally is needed for a ‘welfare police’ introduction.
This research establishes the concept of ‘welfare police’ and suggests the necessity of a “welfare police system“ in Korea. It must be compared with the examples of foreign welfare police, to study the function of the Korean police’s welfare in a systematic and policy perspective. However, from the foreign examples of ‘welfare police’, those countries have different police histories and social environments than with Korea but in the perspective of the system and theory, it provides many points to introduce to the Korean ‘welfare police’ system in the view of comparison. To achieve this purpose, the problems appearing under current police work which include legal grounds, human resource management, clarification of police work under the police work guide, and the overlapping of police work among welfare police should be addressed in advance to introduce an effective welfare police system.
Considering these problems, as a transitional way of introduction, they should be analyzed on a minimum number of police administration activities unit. This should be done under the National Police Organization Act and Act on the Performance of Duties by Police Officers, in human resource allocation and specified work revision. The enactment of welfare police could be a more realistic solution to the introduction of the welfare police system. Transitionally, clarification of the work, and cooperation with local experts could help meet the anticipated result. In addition, the budget load could be lightened with collaboration with local government with its emphasis on the nation’s main businesses to co-work with local expert organizations. The security service of police cannot be improved solely with the outer aids. Therefore, to meet the demand for the security service of the public welfare policy system, an introduction is required, and the correct recognition of activity and duty of the welfare police to the citizen, who are clients of the service. This should be done by collecting the public opinion which than can only make the system come into existence. The expert welfare police can lead to the betterment in quality of security service in the areas of delinquency, domestic violence, sexual crime, child abuse, and multi-cultural families which need prevention, guidance, protection to crackdown on crime, and delinquency.
However strong the call for an introduction of a welfare police system is, there are practical difficulties in codifying it without proper conditions. For now, positive conditions are listed as follows. First, On January 29th, 2001, the revision of National Government Organization Act brought the result of the Ministry of Gender Equality & Family creation. This outcome made it possible to effectively deal with sexual crime, domestic violence, child abuse, and contributed to protecting victims who are the weak. Secondly, the modern administration is called the payment administration or service administration or welfare administration. In this vein, it should overcome the level of after service and become a police organization implementing before service, so they can be respected by the public. Especially, to set the police act at the level of the local residents like addressing the distress of second-class citizens which is required to establish the hospitable image of the police.
These positive conditions would make the first attempt in Korea desirable if they are gradually practiced through a 3 step procedure which are the demonstration project level, nationwide proliferation level, and stabilization level. Revision of the National Police Organization Act and the Act on the Performance of Duties by Police Officers. Also the enactment of a special law for stalkers who usually begin from dating abuse to domestic violence, guidance of child abuse cases, and a welfare police system law are in need to realize the security service.
As a limitation of this thesis, it has the overall problems of the police organization which can occur anytime and the lack of solutions to them. However, I hope succeeding research can bring a successful entrenchment of welfare police system in the future.
