우리나라 후기구석기시대 말기 석기문화의 전개양상 연구 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

To date, many analyses and studies have been conducted in order to interpret the ruins of the micro-blade culture but only the comparative researches through the morphological analysis and production technique and the fragmentary researches on the cha...

To date, many analyses and studies have been conducted in order to interpret the ruins of the micro-blade culture but only the comparative researches through the morphological analysis and production technique and the fragmentary researches on the changes in the natural environment have been conducted and the specific interpretation on the mutual relationship between the changes in the natural environment and the adaptation which mankind has made to them have not been attempted. Therefore, the writer of this article, to begin with, have examined the changes in the natural environment at the end of the upper paleolithic in order to understand how the cultural lithic industry in this period had been developed in Korea, have delineated a total of 29 ruins into the regions with the major drainage network as the centers and have attempted to analyze the attributes based on the technique for making the stone tools of and the morphological characteristics of the relics in each region. Though the analysis of the stone tools, this study is to understand the characteristic change over time and to conduct a comprehensive analysis on the development aspect of the cultural lithic industry of the upper paleolithic revealed in the process of adapting to the changes in the environment as well as the changes in the natural environment which was above examined. It can be assumed as the period roughly from 20ka BP to 10ka BP with 15ka BP as the standard, which is up to the very end of upper paleolithic before the initial stage of neolithic era based on the absolute age dating of the relics of the end of upper paleolithic. The climate of this period was rapidly warming in B/A after LGM in a relative sense, but it experienced the extreme climatic fluctuations with the coldness of YD lasting for about 1.3ka and the gradual recovery of EHW climate. It is assumed that the global climate as well as the climate in Korea had been cold and arid until the climate was recovered as of roughly 10ka BP and the West Sea at that period was not a sea but a grassland regionally with the desert. In such climatic environment, it is considered that the plant resources, the primary resource, were inadequate, which would make hunting more important. However, it is considered that the limited plant resources would lead to be reduced due to the migration of animals and in the end of upper paleolithic, one or two kinds of animals would be intensively hunted as a means of minimizing the risks of living. or the importance would be attached to the long-distance hunting of the medium or large-sized animals in the activity region much broader than imagined. In the ruins approximately from 20ka BP to 10ka BP in Korea, the cores based on the bifacial flaking principle and the micro-blade cores using the flake are mainly associated and the micro-blade cores whose striking platforms and ridge of lower section of micro-blade core are adjusted are mainly found. In the ruins after 15ka BP, a variety of amorphous cores, including the cores of prismatic type, cone type, and cylindrical type, are found in addition to the cores based on the bifacial flaking principle and the cores using the flake. In particular, with the advent of the cores whose some part, not whole, of the lower section is simply adjusted, the micro-blade cores using the flake and fragments rather than the production technique based on the bifacial flaking principle are found. The appearance of cores depended on the recognition and the cognitive ability regarding the tool production as a way of adaption to the changed environment. The appearance of the micro-blade cores means the developed technique easy for the maintenance and repair and the weight reduction of stone tools, which was a crucial advantage in the mobility of the hunter-gatherers in the light of their portability. Further, it is determined that with the appearance of such typical lift-off technique peeling off many stone materials from a raw stone, a variety of combined tools should be produced by the micro-blade. After 15ka BP, a variety of attempts free from the bifacial flaking principle are gradually confirmed, which is determined to have gradually attempted to produce the stone tools appropriate for the specific purposes. The technique for producing a variety of micro-blade cores out of the bifacial flaking system led to the technically diverse and complex differentiation of hunting tools and living tools when the technical compatibility was possible between each technical system. In other words, the bifacial flaking system technically affected the prickers and arrowhead desquamated on both sides and in the case of burins, the central burins and diagonal burins were diversified into the symmetrical and asymmetrical central burins, various diagonal burins, corner burins, and burins with many flaking faces. In particular, in the case of the excavated relics associated with the prickers and arrowheads, the comparison of the absolute age dating values shows that the percentage of the prickers was relatively higher than that of arrowheads from 20ka BP to 15ka BP and the percentage of arrowheads gradually became higher than that of prickers from 15ka BP. These results may be caused by a non-critical error resulting from a statistical aberration in the number of the sample groups and in the case of prickers this correlation may not be clear on the assumption that they could be used for various purposes. However, as above mentioned, animal resources rather than of plant resources would be easier to use in the extreme climatic fluctuations caused by the global warming after LGM and the coldness of YD. As a result, it is determined to be changed in the proportion of using the hunting tools in relation to the mobility depending on the economic activity region, which is considered to be different in the proportion of prickers and arrowheads based on the results of the process of adaptation to the changed natural environment. Particularly, it is estimated that prickers were used as the stoneware mounted at the end of spear for hunting the medium and large-sized animals on the assumption that prickers belonged to some period from MIS 2. Prickers desquamated on both sides, such as the willow-typed prickers in the harshness of YD mingled with the global warming starting from 15ka BP were found and this technical diversity is considered to bring about the results with the diverse and complex techniques through the technical expansion of the bifacial flaking principle in the micro-blade culture. In addition, the technical continuity of the bifacial flaking principle is determined to have an effect on the arrowheads desquamated on both sides after 15ka∼10ka BP. In other words, the appearance of these arrowheads is considered to have a technical correlation with the prickers based on the bifacial flaking principle and the technical correlation is also considered to be applied to the miniaturization of tools in accordance with the adaptation to the changed natural environment. In this sense, prickers and arrowhead desquamated on both sides and combined tools using the micro-blade were used to make up for the disadvantage of stemmed points, to reduce the risks in the extreme changes in the natural environment, and to effectively hunt the games in the complementary way. Thus, techniques for producing the various tools would emerge as the form of the various and complex technical development along with the mutual technical compatibility. Since then, stemmed points were not found in the ruins of the early Neolithic of 10ka BP and they tended to be replaced with the prickers and arrowhead desquamated on both sides. It is considered to be caused by the selective strategy regarding the tools with the reduced mobility and the changed games from the medium and large-sized animals to the small and medium-sized animals in proportion to the gradually increased plant resources available in the gradually warming climate of EH after YD. In particular, various arrowheads, including the embayment-shaped arrowheads and fish-shaped arrowheads, are found in the ruins of Gosanri in Jeju island and unlike the previous stemmed arrowheads the tools intended not only to be combined with the haft but also for its barb to be used. In other words, the benign climate of EH is considered to lead to the diversity of resources for livelihood, resulting in the technological differentiation of tools depending on the purposes of hunting. In this way, the economic activity of the hunter-gatherer society in the end of upper paleolithic might be performed in the society of which the members wondered around a lot depending on the region change due to the changed natural environment and with the passage of time, the purpose of their survival strategy might be to acquire a maximum of food resources at a minimum of effort. With such adaptation method, the various and complex lithic industry emerged with the expanded technique of the bifacial flaking system in the micro-blade culture. Since then this technical development might be helpful in rapidly adapting to the warm climate of EH after the coldness of YD.
