
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


In this , we examine the composition and significance of the Korean Anti Sense decomposition orientation words, and then analyze the similarities and differences between them. The two words of pure orientation which form the Anti Sense decomposition orientation are the equivalence relations, whose characters are restricted by the factors such as the rhyme, meaning and social civilization. The anti sense the meaning of orientation words decomposition in terms of, it can also express the meaning of two pure nouns of locality, also in the discourse sinks process by talking to the principle of economy effect, also can only tend to express the meaning of a pure noun of locality and complete expression derived meaning. Ancient Chinese and Korean in the sense of the decomposition of the direction of the meaning of the decomposition of the general meaning of space, meaning, about the amount of meaning and other derivative. After the comparison method, the ancient Chinese antisense decomposition range word meaning to ancient Korean antisense decomposition of orientation words than more fruitful and strange in the expression of some specific meaning, as if asked meaning or some amount of righteousness, selection of Chinese and Korean antisense orientation of the word length of the decomposition. In addition, when combined with other components in the sentence, the Chinese sense of direction of the decomposition of the direction of the decomposition of the direction of the word more agile and diverse.


摘要 4-5 ABSTRACT 5 目录 6-9 正文 9-115 参考文献 115-118 后记 118-119
