
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


In Chinese and Korean, it is an object of the verb (active word) moving verbs with the local object scene is very rare, such as Chinese, "run Sichuan", "take the mountain road," Korean "", "". The to such special structure as the research object, chapeau of South Korean mobile verb the concept and classification of stopped from new rectification, a detailed analysis of the moving verbs with local object the specially constructed in the local noun features. Chinese Department of the important around the local nouns of things and places, the Korean department around the local terms of the characteristics of the penetration and the way to stop understanding. Papers from the local noun things, wholeness, sentence time sequence criterion, the surface structure and the influence of aspect validation move verbs with nouns in the structure of local noun object attribute, in order to discuss the move verb with object scene emerged the reason. Chinese Department through the process and Prepositional Structure, discusses the move verbs with local object structure of cognitive characteristics and put forward the characteristics of this kind of special structure of "results", "all", "circles", "practice"; Korean department through the process of special structure made analyze consolidation that "objectivity", "stressed" and "community". At the same time, the also summarizes the coordination and differences between Chinese and Korean in the use of moving verbs. The most important innovation is that from temporal and epistemic learning to speak of objective angle of China and South Korea to move verbs with structure of local object to carry on the analysis. The above discussion is helpful for China and South Korean learners to deepen the understanding of the special structure of the local object of moving verbs.


致谢 4-5 摘要 5 韩文摘要 6-7 目录 7-8 正文 8-48 参考文献 48-50
