
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


Attributive is a major common sense point of grammar. However, so far, China and Han Doucheng has not yet emerged in the teaching method based on the detailed comparison of attributes, making Korean Chinese learners in the attributive learning encountered a lot of hard. So, this thesis takes the attribute of China and South Korea as an important object, and tries to discuss the similarities and differences between the two by means of comparative study, error analysis and so on. In the first chapter of this thesis, we first discuss the international and foreign research situation of the Chinese and Korean attributive, and understand the purpose and significance of the selected topic. In front of Zhang Jieping, respectively discusses the definition of Chinese and Korean attributive and grammatical meaning. Then in this basic, the Chinese and Korean attributive to do a more system of comparative study, the differences between Chinese and korean. Jue, we select the "HSK dynamic composition corpus" as an important corpus, from theory to start, through the detailed process of Korea students learning Chinese attribute errors stop analysis and research, concludes error variety, cause of errors. At first, the joint itself on the understanding and learning Chinese Korean language experience, as the mother tongue of the Chinese language learners to provide some response to the teaching suggestions and views.


中文摘要 2-3 Abstract 3 第一章 绪论 6-15 1.1 选题目的和意义 6-7 1.2 国内探讨近况综述 7-11 1.3 韩国探讨近况 11-13 1.4 解决问题采用的理论、措施及语料来源 13-15 第二章 汉语的定语 15-26 2.1 定语的定义和界说 15-16 2.2 定语的类型及"的"的使用 16-22 2.3 定语的语法意义 22-26 2.3.1 定语的限定性 22-23 2.3.2 定语的描写性 23-24 2.3.3 多项定语的排序 24-26 第三章 韩语的定语以及与汉语定语的比较 26-30 3.1 韩语定语的定义和语法意义 26-27 3.2 韩语定语的类型 27-29 3.2.1 冠形词 27-28 3.2.2 谓语形定语 28 3.2.3 体语形定语 28-29 3.3 韩汉定语的比较 29-30 第四章 汉语定语的偏误略论 30-42 4.1 偏误略论 30-31 4.2 语料库的选择 31 4.3 多余定语及残确定语的偏误略论 31-37 4.4 "的"字结构定语的偏误略论 37-40 4.5 定语排序的偏误略论 40-42 第五章 汉语的定语教学建议和意见 42-45 5.1 偏误原因 42-44 5.1.1 母语的干扰迁移 42-43 5.1.2 汉语定语自身的特征 43 5.1.3 语义理解错误 43-44 5.2 教学的建议和意见 44-45 第六章 结语 45-46 参考文献 46-50 后记 50-51 攻读学位期间发表的学术论文 51-53 答辩委员会签名页 53
