动词是汉语里异常主要的构句成份,它也是很多留先生进修的难点。是以低级阶段本国留先生在动词洗的进程中涌现的偏误较多。假如没有实时改正好这些偏误,留先生则轻易在中级,高等进修阶段涌现僵化景象,在造句经常常涌现动词掉却或混杂运用等毛病。古代汉语造句的根本公式是(S/V/O),古代韩语的根本造句公式是(S/O/V)。是以我们可以看出,动词是汉韩语造句的主要成份。因为动词在句子中占领异常主要的感化,而且韩语里存在年夜量的汉字词与响应辞汇,是以先生轻易涌现偏误或掉缺等成绩。笔者因为受母语韩语的作用,在进修汉语进程中涌现过中介语辞汇运用偏误景象,韩语论文网站,乃至涌现过僵化景象。是以可以或许懂得韩国粹生的偏误成因与他的根本对策。针对这些成绩自己在本文中停止了偏误的剖析并商量懂得决办法。 Abstract: Verb is the main component of the construction of Chinese, it is also a lot of difficulties in the study of mr.. Is in the lower stage of the country to stay in the verb wash in the process of error more. If there is no real change happens to these errors, leaving Mr. easily in the intermediate and higher learning stage emerged rigid scene, in sentences often emerge verb out but or mixed application problems. The basic formula of the ancient Chinese sentence is (S/V/O), the ancient Korean sentence is fundamental formula (S/O/V). As we can see, the verb is the main component of Korean and Chinese sentences. Because the verbs in the sentences in occupied abnormal main effect and Korean exist a large number of Chinese characters and words and vocabulary response is to Mr. emerged easily errors or missing and other achievements. The because of the influence of native Korean, in the process of learning Chinese emerged interlanguage vocabulary application errors scene, and emergence of rigid scene. Is to Korean students may know the causes of errors and his fundamental countermeasures. In this , the results of these errors in the analysis and discuss how to solve the problems. 目录: 摘要 4-5 Abstact 5 目录 6-8 第一章 绪论 8-12 1.1 探讨目的 8-9 1.2 探讨近况 9-11 1.3 探讨措施与语料来源 11-12 第二章 韩国汉语动词习得情况考察 12-20 2.1 汉语动词正确率 12-16 2.2 汉语动词偏误率 16-20 第三章 韩国汉语动词偏误略论 20-29 3.1 汉语动词误用 20-25 3.1.1 缺少句子成分导致的偏误 20-21 3.1.2 韩语动词直译导致偏误 21-23 3.1.3 词义范围不同导致的偏误现象 23-25 3.2 径用母语动词偏误 25-27 3.2.1 同形近义动词偏误 25-26 3.2.2 同形异义动词偏误 26-27 3.2.3 词性不同导致的偏误 27 3.3 自造汉语动词 27-29 3.3.1 省略失败导致的偏误现象 27-28 3.3.2 “ ”与“生”的发音相似导致的偏误 28-29 第四章 对韩国学生习得与教学的相关建议 29-35 4.1 教师方面 29-31 4.1.1 强调汉字词动词与韩语动词的区别 29-30 4.1.2 奖励与惩罚教学法 30-31 4.1.3 新事物与新措施教学法 31 4.2 教材方面 31-33 4.2.1 专门为韩国习得者编写的教材不足 31-32 4.2.2 单词或语法后要附上简单的例句 32 4.2.3 反复学习 32-33 4.3 习得者方面 33-35 4.3.1 分清韩汉动词的区别 33 4.3.2 学习汉字词的策略 33 4.3.3 二语习得者应克服骄傲心理 33-34 4.3.4 从生活当中学习 34-35 第五章 结语 35-37 参考资料 37-39 致谢 39 |