辞汇在外语进修的进程中占领着相当主要的位置。在韩语中,汉字词在全体辞汇组成中所占比重最年夜,是以汉字词的教导就显得尤其主要。本论文的研究目标在于经由过程剖析汉字词的特征及分类,在此基本上制订出汉字词的教导计划,以期对中国的韩语进修者的韩语进修带来辞汇进修上的赞助。汉字词指的是在中国的汉字的基本上构成的能用汉字标志的辞汇。论文中不只汇集了各个版本的字典对汉字词的说明,韩语论文范文,并且还枚举了分歧学者的分歧说明。依据汉字词的特色,汉字词一共可以分为三年夜类。即同形同义词,同形异义词,异性同义词。第二章傍边不只剖析了这三品种型的汉字词的界说,发生的缘由,还举出了典范的单词作为例子,停止了解释。中国的韩国语教导最近几年来获得了飞速的成长,韩语论文范文,然则详细到辞汇范畴,特别是汉字词的教导方面,虽涌现了必定的研究结果,但在现实教导中却还没有获得应有的看重。中国人进修韩语单词固然同其他国度的说话进修者比起来有得天独厚的优势,然则轻易收到母语的作用。而许多汉字词在韩语中的意思和用法都和从中国传入时比拟有了很年夜的变更。如斯便轻易发生对汉字词的毛病懂得以致乱花的景象。第三章考核了中国的韩语教导现场的汉字词教导情形。教材方面选定了比来在中国普遍运用的三本韩国语教材,并对其停止了具体的考核剖析。对于三本教材的辞汇组成,汉字词涌现频仍度,和欠妥的汉字词运用情形等方面停止了比拟和剖析。同时从教材和教员的教授教养办法等方面提出了中国的教导现场中存在的成绩息争决计划。为了制订出有用的汉字词教导计划,论文中还援用了韩国的汉字词选定尺度和教导用的汉字词目次。第五章提出了详细的汉字词教导计划。同形同义词重要经由过程发音,同形异义词重要经由过程辞汇寄义比较,异性同义词重要经由过程标志的办法来停止辞汇教导。这对于以汉语为母语的先生进修韩国语,特别是辞汇进修进程中弗成防止地会碰到的汉字词的进修和韩国语教授教养方面会有必定的参考价值。 Abstract: Vocabulary in foreign language learning process occupies a very important position. In Korean, Chinese words in all the vocabulary accounted for the proportion of the composition of the biggest is to teach the word is becoming especially important. The purpose of the study of this is through the analysis of the process of word features and classification, then worked out the word teaching schedule. In the period of China's Korean learners of Korean study bring sponsorship of learning vocabulary. Chinese characters refers to the Chinese in the Chinese characters basically composed of words with Chinese characters symbol. This not only brings together the various versions of the dictionary of words and Chinese characters, enumerates the differences of scholars explain differences. According to the characteristic of the words of Chinese characters Chinese characters, words can be divided into three categories. That is the same shape synonyms, homonyms, heterosexual synonyms. Sideways in the second chapter not only analyzes the definition of the three types of Chinese characters and words, the cause, also cited the example of words as examples, explain. China's Korean Teaching in recent years obtained the rapid development. However with the lexical category, especially the teachings of the Chinese words, although the emergence of a certain amount of research results, but in reality teachings without acquiring should be valued. Chinese people learning Korean words while other countries with language learning who have the unique advantage compared, however easily receive mother tongue influence. Many Chinese characters in Korean word meaning and usage are compared from the China was had the very big change. This will easily happen to know that the word Chinese characters with lavish spectacle. The third chapter examines the word Chinese characters China Korean scene teaching case teaching. The materials selected were widely used in China three of the Korean textbooks, and has carried on the analysis of the specific assessment. A textbook glossary composition, Chinese words appear frequently degree, and improper Chinese words application situation and so on stopped is compared and analyzed. Also from textbooks and teachers' teaching methods and other aspects of proposed performance exist in China's education field and solutions. To develop a useful Chinese words teaching schedule, the thesis also invokes the Korean Chinese characters selected scales and teaches the use of Chinese characters and words, a table of contents. The fifth chapter puts forward the teaching plan with the word Chinese characters. The same form of synonyms important by pronunciation, homographs important through speech remittance meaning comparison, heterosexual synonyms through the sign up process approach to stop speech vocabulary teaching. On the Chinese speaking students to learn Korean, especially vocabulary learning process in Eph into prevent will meet Chinese words learning and language teaching will have a certain reference value. 目录: |