自1992年中韩两国建交以来,两国关系敏捷成长,在社会和文明等方面成了很好的协作同伴,说话方面的交换也随之变得频仍,消息来往日渐亲密,而且在消息题目上出现出“互相交换、配合提高”的优越局势。在此配景下,浩瀚学者对两国消息题目的说话特点睁开了研究。报纸消息流传说话由于具有触及面广、读者群多、浏览时光长、社会作用力耐久等特色,一时光成了专家学者研究的核心。报纸的消息说话,可以在社会上构成一种有形的文明导向。是以,韩语论文网站,必需精确标准、清楚地运用缩略语,抽象地提醒消息内容,精确地表达著作思惟和深度,停止消息流传和文明流传。在中国留学时代,笔者发明汉语和韩语的消息题目说话都具有必定的特点,并开端重新闻题目说话的特色动身停止汉韩比较研究。笔者以2005年5月到2011年10月的中韩重要消息题目为语料,分离从省略语、新词语、富有颜色的词语三个部门,以汉韩消息题目的说话特色停止剖析比较。本文停止比较研究之前在第二章简略引见了对于消息题目的界说及其变迁内容以后,从在第三章到第五章停止了在汉韩消息题目中涌现的省略、新词语、富有颜色词语的特色比较研究。起首,在第三章的省略部门重要商量省略说话构造成份的内容。汉语消息题目多于涌现省略助词、副词的题目,韩语消息题目多于涌现省略助词、终结词尾等景象。汉语消息题目中常常涌现的暂时略语和数字式略语是在韩国较少见的特色。这是表意文字的汉语自己具有的特色而发生的略语。韩语消息题目为了战胜表音文字的局限性,常常经由过程运用汉字来停止省略。固然,在详细内容上具有一些差别,但两国消息题目都在尽可能省略非中间语,使全部题目凸出消息要所流传的重要信息内容。其次,在第四章的新词语部门,从自立异词和旧词新义两方面停止了研究。再说,跟着社会与人们不雅念的变更,天然就发生的新词语和之前的词语的意义上产生变更而发生的具有新义的词语。这些新词语年夜量遭到两国文明及年夜众不雅念的作用。汉语消息题目比拟凸出用谐音措施来发生的词语,而韩语消息题目中的这些词语多在于英文和韩语联合。最初,本文章针对富有颜色的词语在汉韩消息题目中的运用停止了阐述。汉韩消息题目涌现的配合的地方在于多运用动词、描述词的特色,并且多涌现成语和鄙谚等。对像声词和拟态词来讲,在韩语消息题目中异常多见,但在汉语消息题目中较少见。经由过程上述剖析,文章得出了汉韩消息题目的说话既有配合点也有差别的结论,再说,韩语论文网站,省略、新词语、多运用富有颜色词语等年夜致方面有着配合点,但它们的详细内容及表达措施上具有分歧的地方。笔者以为这些差别是两国文明及说话分歧而发生的。是以,笔者在第六章针对招致汉韩消息题目差异的缘由,从说话和文明等角度论述了本身的不雅点,以便为两国说话进修者及研究者供给参考。 Abstract: Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea in 1992, the rapid development in the social and cultural aspects become good partners, exchange speaking are becoming increasingly close and frequent, news, and news in the subject appears "exchange, with superior situation high". In this background, the vast scholars of the two countries on the issue of information on the characteristics of the characteristics of the discussion. News news spread to talk due to a wide range of readers, the reader, the time to browse, social influence and other characteristics, a time has become the core of the experts and scholars. The news of the news can be a form of physical culture in the society. Is the necessary standard, accurate, clear application of abbreviations, abstract reminder message content, accurate expression of the works of thought and depth, the stop message spread and spread civilization. In the era of Chinese study, the author of the invention of the Chinese language and the news of the Korean language has a certain characteristics, and began to talk the characteristics of the news to start to stop the comparison between Chinese and korean. The author from May 2005 to October 2011 and important news topic as the corpus, separated from the three departments, acronyms, new words, rich color words in Chinese and Korean news topic talk characteristic analysis comparison. In this , a comparative study of the second chapter stop before briefly introduces the definition and content of news topic changes, from the third chapter to the fifth chapter stop ellipsis, emerge in Chinese and Korean news topic in new words, rich color words characteristics comparative study. First, in the third chapter, the omission of the important part of the structure to discuss the contents of the structural elements of the omission. Chinese News Title more than the emergence of ellipsis auxiliaries, adverbs, Korean news title more than the emergence of omission auxiliary, termination and the scene. Often the emergence of Chinese News in the title and temporary abbreviations numeral compact rare features in South korea. This is the ideographic characters of Chinese own characteristics and abbreviations. In order to overcome the limitations of the Korean news topic phonography, often through the application of Chinese characters to stop ellipsis. Although, in detail, it has some differences, but both countries are trying to omit the news of the non - intermediate language, so that all the problems of the important information to the spread of important information content. Secondly, in the Department of new words in the fourth chapter, from two aspects of self-reliance and once neology is studied. Besides, along with the society and people's ideas change, new words and words naturally occurring before the sense of change and the occurrence of words with new meanings. These new words and expressions are influenced by the culture and the audience. Chinese news title match with the method of projecting homophonic words and Korean news topic in these words in Korean and English joint. At first, this article discussed the application of the rich color words in the news of the Han and Han. With the emergence of Chinese and Korean news topic lies in multi application verbs, descriptive characteristics, and the emergence of idioms and proverbs. Like the sound of words and mimicry words, many Korean news topics in abnormal, but is rare in Chinese News title. Through the above analysis, the article draws a conclusion that there are some differences in the speech of Chinese and Korean messages. Besides, there are some differences in the contents and methods of the new words. I believe that these differences are the two civilizations and the differences between the two countries. In the sixth chapter, the author discusses the differences and similarities between Chinese and Korean news, from the point of view of speaking and culture, so as to provide a reference for the two countries to talk about their language learners and researchers. 目录: |