
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


Adverb has always been a complex of Chinese in a lexical category, on its true and false attribution, external classification, etc. there are still controversial. Adverbs teaching occupied pivotal position in the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language, leaving Mr. widely considered adverbs not difficult but often stumble, even to a higher stage, leaving Mr. often in some of the frequently used adverbs hybrid. Has a deep historical origins of Korean and Chinese, this to the South Korean left students studying the Chinese brought much convenience, but in the study of Chinese adverb, the South Korean left Mr. without what shortcuts, copying the mother tongue often will have the opposite effect. This article through process on the lower South Korean left Mr. acquisition of Chinese adverbs of Interlanguage Analysis, trying to find the error reason, MR acquisition discipline, Chinese adverbs teaching to provide some new thoughts. The thesis is divided into six parts: the first chapter is the introduction section briefly recall the research on Chinese adverbs and Chinese adverbs. The second chapter introduces the Korean and Chinese adverbs of contact and difference, the specific introduction of the Korean Chinese characters in the corresponding relationship between the word and Chinese, and on some of the adverbs are often used to make a brief comparison between Han and han. The third chapter is the main body of this , the interlanguage theory and error analysis theory, with the aid of the retrieval of Beijing Language University Chinese interlanguage corpus in the lower stage of Korean leave Mr. acquisition of Chinese adverbs of interlanguage important to South Korea left Mr. in the study of Chinese adverb Chung of bias to stop the classification and analysis, and description of Interlanguage in the accurate components. In the fourth chapter, a summary of the rare adverbs is made up, and the reason of the error is analyzed. The fifth chapter puts forward some suggestions from three aspects of the teaching materials, teachers and students, aiming at the reasons of the rare adverb errors. The conclusion of the article is the summary of the article.


摘要 2-3 ABSTRACT 3-4 1. 绪论 7-11 1.1 对于汉语副词的探讨 7-9 1.2 对于韩国习得汉语的探讨 9-11 2. 韩汉副词的联系和区别 11-18 2.1 韩语副词概述 11-12 2.2 韩语汉字词中的副词与汉语的关系 12-14 2.3 韩汉常用副词对比 14-18 3. 韩国习得汉语副词的中介语略论 18-41 3.1 中介语理论和偏误略论 18-19 3.2 副词的选择及语料来源 19-21 3.3 常用副词偏误略论 21-37 3.3.1 否定副词:不、没(有) 21-24 3.3.2. 时间副词:已经、曾经、刚刚(刚) 24-26 3.3.3. 常常、常、往往 26-27 3.3.4. 频率副词:还、再、又 27-30 3.3.5. 范围副词:只、都 30-32 3.3.6. 语气、关联副词:就、才 32-33 3.3.7. 程度副词:非常、最、很、真、太、更 33-36 3.3.8. 关联副词:也 36-37 3.4 中介语中的正确成分略论 37-41 4. 常用副词偏误的总结和原因研讨 41-48 4.1 常用副词偏误的总结 41-43 4.2 常用副词偏误的成因 43-48 5. 对韩国汉语副词教学的几点思考与建议 48-52 结语 52-53 参考文献 53-57 在读期间科研成果简介 57-59 致谢 59
