
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


In this , the study on the development of Chinese phonological awareness in the Chinese language, which is based on the two experiments, has been studied. A separate test assessment 77 native speakers of English, Japanese and Korean students in understanding speech pronunciation lessons in Chinese characters differential growth, leaving Mr. invention have a certain form of speech recognition development, understanding first syllable initials and finals growth, understanding of knowledge, understanding of the latest growth tone. Experiment two assessment 38 students (of whom 20 native speakers of Korean) speech in speech perception test work understanding the growth situation, they know the type of the invention in the form of voice tone for growing understanding of the earliest times, final understanding, understanding of the latest consonant. This form of growth and the form of the language of Chinese children's acquisition of the basic differences. The two test results have also shown that the native speech system student difference, Chinese degree (advanced age) homework methods difference, and assessment of speech understanding the differences of speech understanding subjects have significantly influence achievement. The two test sequence and also examine differences, differences in Chinese language difficulty degree students control in two aspects of initials, pronunciation and listening Chinese characters vowels and tone identification. This kind of quantitative research can make us understand and know more about the growth of the voice of the students, so as to improve the pertinence and usefulness of the teaching of foreign language.


零、 引言 4-8 0.1 选题意义 4 0.2 语音意识探讨背景 4-6 0.2.1 什么是语音意识 4 0.2.2 语音意识的测量 4-5 0.2.3 西方探讨者对语音意识的探讨 5 0.2.4 汉语语音意识探讨 5-6 0.2.5 语音意识与第二语言能力发展关系探讨 6 0.3 汉语语音习得探讨背景 6 0.4 探讨设计 6-8 壹、 实验一:汉字读音辨别测试 8-18 1.1 措施 8 1.1.1 被试 8 1.1.2 实验材料 8 1.1.3 实验步骤 8 1.2 结果略论 8-15 1.2.1 被试各项语音意识总体发展略论 8-10 1.2.2 三种母语被试语音意识成绩单独略论 10-11 1.2.3 各语音意识类型内部发展略论 11-15 1.3 讨论 15-18 1.3.1 三组被试各项语音意识总体发展 15 1.3.2 声调、声母、韵母意识内部发展 15-17 1.3.3 结论 17-18 贰、 实验二:听辨测试 18-29 2.1 措施 18-19 2.1.1 被试 18 2.1.2 实验材料 18-19 2.1.3 实验步骤 19 2.2 结果略论 19-27 2.2.1 被试各项语音意识总体发展略论 19-21 2.2.2 各项语音意识成绩内部略论 21-27 2.3 讨论 27-29 2.3.1 被试各项语音意识总体发展 27 2.3.2 声调、声母、韵母意识内部发展 27-28 2.3.3 结论 28-29 叁、 综合讨论与结论 29-31 3.1 对两次实验结果的综合比较 29 3.2 结论 29 3.3 对汉语语音教学的启示和建议 29-31 参考文献 31-33 附录 33-36 后记 36
