跟着中国经济的成长,韩语论文范文,全球都在存眷中国,进修汉语的人也愈来愈多。韩国与中国相邻,两国间的商业和文明的交换也愈来愈亲密,到中国留学的韩国人也愈来愈多。在中国留学的先生中,韩国粹生所占的比例最年夜,也就是说,在对外汉语教授教养中,懂得韩国粹生的特色长短常主要的。论文重要研究若何教韩国粹生进修汉语的“曩昔时”。起首,商量韩汉两种说话表达“曩昔时”的特色:韩语的特色是“时制”凸起,而汉语的特色是更凸起“体”。其次,剖析韩国人进修汉语“曩昔时”的难点。并提出教授教养建议:运用“时制”概念停止教授教养与晦气用“时制”概念停止教授教养时都提出分歧的建议,同时整顿汉语中几种表达“曩昔时”的详细情势的教授教养建议。最初提出两个针对韩国人的教授教养办法:“写日志”与“讲故事”。经由过程本研究,韩语论文范文,我愿望可以或许对削减韩国粹习者对“了”的偏误,让他们对汉语曩昔时的表达情势运用自若有所赞助,使韩国粹生加倍有用地习得汉语。同时,愿望本论文对韩语比拟生疏的汉语教员们对韩国粹生习得汉语的情形有所懂得,也愿望能对教员的教授教养有所赞助。 Abstract: With the growth of China's economy, the world is concerned about China, learning Chinese is also more and more people. South Korea and China, the two countries of the business and cultural exchanges have become closer and closer, more and more Korean people to study in china. Mr. studying in China, Korea student accounts for the largest percentage. That is to say, in the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language, understand Korea student characteristic length often major. The key to study how to teach Korean students learning Chinese in the past "". First of all, to discuss the two kinds of Korean language to express the past when the characteristics: the characteristics of the Korean is the time system raised, while the Chinese feature is more prominent body". Second, the analysis of Korean learning Chinese in the past, the difficulty of the past. And put forward the suggestions of teaching: the application of "time" concept teaching and adverse "time" concept to stop teaching are put forward different proposals, at the same time to rectify Chinese several expression "past" with the situation teaching suggestions. Originally proposed two teaching methods for Korean Teaching: "write log" and "story telling"". Through this research, I hope can perhaps to cut the quintessence of Han Xi for errors, so that they to Chinese past expression application circumstance calm has sponsored, Korea double effective acquisition of Chinese students. At the same time, wish this thesis on the Korean match unfamiliar to Chinese teachers on the quintessence of Korean students learning Chinese have understanding, hopes to teacher's teaching has sponsored. 目录: 摘要 4-5 Abstract 5 目录 6-7 引言 7-8 第一章 韩语与汉语表达“过去时”的异同 8-12 一、“时制”与“体”的概念 8 (一) “时制”的概念 8 (二) “体”(时态)的概念 8 二、韩语与汉语表达“过去时”的特点 8-12 (一) “时制”突出的韩语 8-10 (二) “体”突出的汉语 10-12 第二章 韩国学习者表达汉语“过去时”的难点 12-17 一、母语“-(?)-”的负迁移现象 12-15 (一) 韩国人表示“过去时”的潜在意识 12 (二) 韩语的过去时制标记“-(?)- 12-15 二、汉语与韩语表达“过去时”方式的异同 15-17 (一) 韩语以语法标记为基础 15-16 (二) 汉语以词汇标记为基础 16-17 第三章 针对韩国人的汉语“过去时”的教学对策 17-31 一、韩国人的“汉语过去时”的偏误略论 17-18 二、针对韩国人的汉语“过去时”的教学建议 18-29 (一) 利用“时制”概念时 18-20 (二) 不利用“时制”概念时 20-21 (三) 汉语几种表达“过去时”的具体形式教学 21-29 三、“汉语过去时”的教学模式 29-31 (一) “写日记”与“讲故事” 29 (二) 教学示例 29-31 结论 31-32 参考文献 32-34 附录 34-37 |