研究经由过程回想混杂情感及情感调理相干研究,总结后人研究经历,在试验室采取相干视频资料引发年夜先生的情感,以验证特定情形内容视频能否可以或许引发被试的混杂情感;并在此基本上,经由过程认知重评和表达克制战略对混杂情感停止调理,再以韩语字母作为再认记忆资料,韩语论文题目,以未学过韩语的年夜先生为被试,研究混杂情感调理对再认记忆的作用。研究成果注解:①卒业相干视频资料可以或许胜利引发年夜先生的混杂情感,但不是很激烈。②与中性格绪比拟,卒业相干视频引发被试的混杂情感对被试再认记忆准确率作用不明显,反响时作用明显。混杂情感削减被试再认记忆的反响时。③认知重评战略能进步混杂情感中的愉快指数,对悲痛指数作用不年夜;表达克制战略周全下降混杂情感体验,免费韩语论文,同时下降了愉快指数和悲痛指数。④与天然不雅看比拟,混杂情感认知重评战略削减被试再认记忆反响时,而表达克制延伸再认记忆反响时,乃至擅长天然不雅看中性视频资料后的再认记忆反响时。⑤与天然不雅看比拟,混杂情感的两种调理战略对再认记忆准确率作用不明显。 Abstract: Research through the back mixed emotions and emotional conditioning relevant research and summarizing the research experience, in the test room take coherent video data by Mr. Big's emotions, to verify the contents of a specific case video can perhaps triggered by subjects of mixed emotions; and on this basis, through cognitive reappraisal and expression of Strategic Restraint of mixed emotions to carry on the adjustment, the Korean alphabet as recognition memory data, hasn't learnt Korean university student as subjects, research of mixed emotions conditioning on the effect of recognition memory. Research note: Graduate coherent video data can perhaps victory Caused Mr. Big's mixed emotions, but is not very intense. II and neutral lattice thread analogy, graduate of coherent video trigger of mixed emotions on recognition memory accuracy effect is not obvious, response was significantly influenced by it. Mixed feelings to reduce the reaction time to recognize the memory of the response. Cognitive re evaluation strategy can improve the happy index of mixed feelings, the impact of the grief index is not great; the expression of restraint strategy comprehensive decline in mixed emotional experience, while a decrease of the happy index and grief index. And (4) natural indecent look compared to, mixed emotions cognitive reappraisal strategy cuts were tested recognition memory response, while the expression of restraint extending recognition memory response, and good at natural indecent see neutral video data after the recognition memory response when. The natural and indecent look compared to two kinds of adjusting strategy for recognition memory accuracy rate has no obvious effect of mixed emotion. 目录: 中文摘要 2-3 Abstract 3 中文文摘 4-7 目录 7-9 绪论 9-11 第1章 文献综述 11-25 1.1 混合情绪相关理论 11-22 1.2 情绪调节相关理论 22-25 第2章 问题的提出及探讨意义 25-27 2.1 过往探讨的不足及问题的提出 25-26 2.2 探讨目的和意义 26-27 第3章 实证探讨 27-47 3.1 实验一 不同情景内容视频下的情绪体验 27-35 3.2 实验二 混合情绪调节对再认记忆的作用 35-47 第4章 讨论 47-53 4.1 实验一 不同情景内容视频下的情绪体验 47-49 4.2 实验二 混合情绪调节对再认记忆的作用 49-51 4.3 综合讨论 51-53 第5章 结论 53-55 第6章 本探讨的创新与不足 55-57 6.1 本探讨的创新 55 6.2 本探讨的不足 55-57 附录1:情绪体验自评量表 57-58 附录2:指导语执行程度量表 58-59 附录3:再认记忆韩语字母材料 59-60 附录4:混合情绪调节各组指导语 60-61 参考文献 61-65 攻读学位期间承担的科研任务与主要成果 65-67 致谢 67-69 个人简历 69-70 |