颜色文明是平易近族文明中最凸起最能干的部门之一。一种说话的色彩词,不只是客不雅物资属性在说话中的反应,并且是运用这类说话的人们对客不雅世界的熟悉融会、总结晋升的表现,透过色彩词的这些义蕴,人们可以懂得到一个平易近族的宗教崇奉、品级不雅念、风气习气、伦理偏向、审美情味等社会文明内在。本文以古代汉语中的最根本的色彩词“红、黄、绿、白、黑”等为例,侧重论述分歧色彩词发生的汗青配景和由此延长出来的固定寄义,韩语毕业论文,并对华文化中分歧色彩的文明意味意义做了具体的论述。采取归结法、例举法等研究办法,从“五行说”、色彩词文明内在的演化等多方面停止剖析研究,经由过程年夜量资料的剖析归结,韩语论文网站,说明了汉语色彩词的文明内在,并归纳综合引见了韩语色彩词的文明内在。 Abstract: Color civilization is one of the most efficient and competent departments in the national culture. A speech of the color words, not just passenger indecent material property of reaction in speech and application of the language of the people of guest indecent world familiar with fusion, and summarize the performance of the promotion, through color words the meaning, people can know a ethnic religious teaching beliefs and grade idea, habit, ethical bias, the esthetic appeal and so on social cultural connotation. The in ancient Chinese in the basic color terms "red, yellow, green, white, black," and so on, for example, focusing discusses the differences of color words with the historical background and thus extend out fixed meaning, and the civilization of China culture color differences that makes a specific exposition of the significance. Resolution method; enumeration method and other research methods, taken from "five elements", color words, cultural connotation of the evolution of stop analysis research, through the attribute of a large number of data analysis, indicating that the Chinese color words, cultural connotation, and summarize the comprehensive introduction of the Korean color words, cultural connotation. 目录: 内容摘要 2-3 Abastract 3 目录 4-5 引言 5-7 第一章 汉语颜色词探讨概述 7-10 第二章 颜色词“红”及其文化内涵 10-17 第三章 颜色词“黄”及其文化内涵 17-21 第四章 颜色词“绿”及其文化内涵 21-27 第五章 颜色词“白”及其文化内涵 27-32 第六章 颜色词“黑”及其文化内涵 32-35 结语 35-36 [附录一] 汉语颜色词语料辑录 36-61 [附录二] 韩语颜色词语料辑录 61-66 参考文献 66-67 致谢 67 |